Untitled Part 49

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Two months later.

Braiden and Vance eloped because so much traveling also Braiden's parents live in California.

Also weddings can cost a lot.

Vance was now Braiden's spouse.

Vance had on this outfit that wasn't mas or fem.

A cropped button up shirt, suit pants, heels and a tie- it looked mas but had feminine touches.

Braiden wore a button up, some black jeans and a some boots, he even unbraided his hair along it to be out and free.

A photo was taken.

The couple found a justice of the peace- a lesbian she/they trans person who specializes in lgbtqia marriages mainly ones with nonbinary marriages- why does she do this because when they married her spouse, the justice of the peace at their wedding got both of the couples pronouns wrong- not their gender just pronouns so they wanted to make sure that no one dealt with what she and their partner deal with.

This person also doesn't cost a lot to hire.

A month later.

Braiden was at work- he works at a lab cleaning up around the labs.

"I just got married. "Said Braiden.

"Nice. "Said one of their coworkers.

"Yeah me and my spouse are happy. "Said Braiden.

"Spouse don't you mean husband. "Said the coworker.

Braiden is out at work.

"No I mean spouse my partner is nonbinary. "Said Braiden.

"I thought you were gay. "Said coworker.

"I am. "Said Braiden.

"Why would you marry someone with a female body if you're gay. "Said the coworker.

"One that comment is transphobic as f*ck, two not all trans people are afab, my partner is amab also female body sounds so transphobic and gross. " Said Braiden.

This guy kept going on and on about Vance being female or born a girl despite Vance being none of those things.

Braiden respect was "I don't disrespect your spouse or don't disrespect mine . "

Braiden told Vance what happened.

"I figured something like this would happen, people like me are only allowed to exist if we're skinny short pale white afab with blue hair and names like Sock. "Said Vance.

Vance is short and a little skinny but he doesn't fit the looks that most people assume nonbinary people to look like-they are tan skin, have dark hair, are amab and kept his birth name.

Vance also gets hate for being themselves.

Vance was at the store earlier after work.

Vance had a dress on because they were at a wedding earlier and he didn't change clothes after that.

Vance had makeup on too, also their hair is a little longer- long enough to make decent size pigtail braids the ones with flowers at the end that a lot of Latina people do.

Vance was getting something when someone kept staring at them.

The stare was a you better run or else.

Lucky for Vance, he knows karate- their parents put him in it to try to toughen them up and make him sporty- all it did was make them hate sports even more and make him know how to put someone in a sleeping hold.

Vance is still scared those.

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