Untitled Part 59

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Anyway when he got home he showed the video to Jess.

Later on.

The friends had some time to kill before bed.

The kids were sleeping.

Dnd was the game they will be playing.

"I'm the Dm everyone remember their characters. "Said Daxton.

Everyone said yeah.

(I have never play dnd so all my knowledge is from tv.)

"Your party comes to a magic door that won't open what do you do. "Said Daxton.

"I flirt with the Dm and use my elf powers to distract him while someone uses their magic to open the door. "Said Tris.

"You can't flirt with the Dm even if you're married to him. "Said Julie.

"I can and will. "Said Tris.

"I'll allow it roll the dice. "Said Daxton.

He rolled and got a perfect roll.

Tristian's character is a Kitsune elf prince with two dads because in every world he's in he has two gay parents also his character in this game lore was that he was trained by a great warrior in the art of cooking and fighting she's a kitsune elf immortal queen she's inspired by his grandmother in the book Ember Pond she's his character's grandmother who's enjoys a urban fantasy version of bingo.

"I use my magic to unlock the door. "Said Deshawn.

"It worked. "Said Daxton.

The game went on for about two more hours before everyone cleaned up and got ready for bed.

Last time the friends played this game- Vance was still seen as cis and his character Merman bard- how it's a Merperson bard who's also helps loses fish souls go to the after life since they don't believe in God.


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