Letter 16

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I have questions but I don't-I can't seem to even grasp what I'm trying to ask Lord. It's weird. One moment I think this and the next I'm thinking the opposite like that picture of your son; Jesus. Maybe it's just me but those eyes just look green. I'm not paying attention to details perhaps? Do animals go to heaven because they're not like us: they never ate the fruit and just rely on their instincts? That book "Heaven is For Real" is a beautiful story and quite comforting because for someone like me who questions what or how I should act as a follower of you I tend to get strange images and thoughts in my head. Todd struggled it seemed. He knew you, gave his life to be a messenger for you yet it seemed he never fuller embraced his belief in you or his religion until his son Colton went up there and back to them. I guess I get this picture of as a Christian I shouldn't question anything and my faith is not strong because I'm questioning but that's what builds strength too right? It's when skepticism rules that we start believing wrong. Maybe that's just me thinking this but the book really did help me. It showed struggle unlike most sees with pastors and their families. I wish I was a child again and that my only worries were whether or not I'll get the color red or blue again in second grade. Children really are a wonder Lord. They're so innocent with everything that they never understand what most people tell them yet they still trust and believe. I wish I had that back and perhaps I do subconsciously. Like when I'm driving in a car with my dad or sister or friends. I trust them to not get us killed automatically. It's nature really just as I trust you to protect my family, friends, and I each and every day-Thank you for that by the way. You do a lot and there's or so little I feel I can give but I want to give you my heart. My mind and my soul if you'll have that. Thank you for everything Jesus. I think dying for you is the least I can do since you already suffered and died for me. I don't know if that came out right but I hope you know what I mean.


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