Letter 46

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Today was a great day. The twins came over tall as ever and we just chilled. It's been so long since I've seen them! Man did I miss their quirky and all around funny/stupidness. Been stuck in the house for a whole week: It's so weird how growing up the house is all I ever known and wanted to stay in but now I just want to get out. Break out and run out singing "I'm free!" While in my warm cat onesie! Funny how things change: How we think of our lives one way when we are younger and then look back when we are older with new eyes, wiser eyes, and see how you worked in our lives. The good and the bad that makes us, us. I find it amazing how looking back at my life this year, my song changed dramatically. I met knew people, forgiven many things, accepted the failures of mine and things out of my hands. I am still learning Lord but now I'm learning from the main teacher, my awesome master and father: YOU! Thank you for all you are doing to me. I know I will still struggle and things won't be all flowers and sugar but You are with me and you give me what you know I'm capable of overcoming because you gave me your spirit. I pray that I and my siblings in you Lord that we hang on and cling to you all the more when we feel weak and like giving up on ourselves. Amen.


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