Letter 95

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Thank You Jesus for this blessed day with my friend bubbles. Two days now actually. Thank You for the peace of mind today God and for the traveling mercy You provided. Thank You that we had enough money put together to buy some delicious food today. It was a peaceful day God...I missed bubbles and I'm glad she's doing so well. She had her sleep God and thank You for the protection during our sleeps. We won't be going to church tomorrow but hopefully You'll make a way God or we can still listen to the sermon from the live stream! I forgot which emotion the pastor will be talking about tomorrow. I was sort of hoping to wear my new dress tomorrow but it's cool. I was wondering if I should email the pastor about counseling. We were supposed to ask him today but we might not go so should I tell my dad -ask if we can email the pastor about it? I don't really know because today was peaceful (thank you for the peace God.) but then would counseling help? I'll go for it and let You lead God. Jesus. Thank You for everything today. Amen.


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