letter 87

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Thank you God for today and the peace my family and I had. I have to admit something God and forgive me for it Lord Jesus but you bless me a lot and I know you do, each and every day you give nothing but blesses to me but when I try listing them I'm so blind to all of them. I want to thank you for them all Lord! I still thank you God for all of them. I decided to fast Lord but today I slipped up. I took a bite out of a sweet snack Lord. I'm sorry God, please help me not to eat anything sweet until after tomorrow, your resurrection Jesus. God I'm starting to freak out on the inside again but I know you have me Jesus. I know this unease and worry is not of you Jesus. It's just the devil trying to get to me but he can't because I'm yours Jesus. God you are my father and you promised that nothing and no one can separate us because of your son Jesus. Thank you Jesus! Ava pretty cute God. She's so adorable. So little and innocent. I know you'll watch her Jesus and you will keep her close God. These little ones are in your hand. God. Thank you for these precious things we call children. The happy moments and the sad where even though it's hard to feel you or even get myself up, you are still there waiting for me to accept your hand. Thank you for the bible. There's nothing I found to study on but I know in every story, every chapter there is always a lesson you teach God and I thank you I am able to read your word Jesus. I'm reading 1Samuel and how Eli family line was cursed because he didn't discipline his sons that were stealing from you and had no regard for you. You warn us and discipline us God. You give us so many chances and warn us what will happen if we don't listen to you and then you carry out your promises. You are firm. Compassionate and slow to anger God but also justice. You're not cruel. You are the perfect father of all God. You sent your son down to show your love. The consequences of our sin is death in eternal hell, trapped with Satan and separated forever from you God. That's a very scary thing God. To be separated from you Jesus, stuck in darkness and eternal condemnation tortured forever. Screaming got relief but unable to receive it. God, thank you for saving me from that Jesus! For taking away the ugliness of my sins and giving me the gift of grace and salvation. I pray to never abuse it God. To walk your honest path and trust you God. Do my best God and talk to others about you God. Thank you Jesus. Thank you.

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