Letter 109

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I'm in school right now and well...I don't really know what to talk about but I know I have some time with You since my class ended. We can finish what we started when we first got here. Today's scripture was psalm 119: 137-138. David was glorifying You and saying how Your ways are right and perfect and trustworthy and light. I find that is something I always need to remind myself Jesus because looking around at this world, at the people, at myself...it gets overwhelming and so many voices try to get me to blame You but I know it's not You. It is us human's faults that bad things happen. We are the ones that fell and make mistakes. We are the ones that causes discord and hatred and murder and sin. We are the ones that ruin all Your beautiful gifts that You give us. There is nothing good in us or about us human beings, yet You continue to bless us and call us to You for redemption and salvation. How kind You are Lord! How forgiving You are even when we are just so messed up! You loved us even while we are sinners and You call us by name! God...I can relate so much to king david. Looking around, especially at my family, I find myself distraught and angry when I realize just how much we disobey You. I'm including myself too because even though I get angry at my family, I'm judging them when I should be loving them and being patient with them. I should be the example to them yet I find myself judging them in my heart. What kind of example is that showing? A bad one I fear. I see how sinful and how much people don't believe in You and how much they ignore Your decrees and It frustrates me. Living in a world where everything is just chaos and confusion yet I want to do right by You. I want to obey and listen to You. God, I want to make You happy and hear that I was faithful. I guess, maybe this is how david felt each time he looked at his world around him. When he saw the wrong being done or when his enemies cornered him at every angle. He was a man after Your own heart. He fell yet he got back up and confessed his wrongs to You and in return, You showered forgiveness and blessings on him. You strengthened david all his life, so I know Jesus, that you will strengthen me all of my life too, to get me through these seasons of doubts, confusion, voices, to overcome this world because You overcame the world. God, without You I can not stand but with You, Jesus, You make me strong. Please keep my eyes above these waters and focused on You and You Holy truth. In Jesus Holiest name: Amen!


Psalm 119: 137-138

O Lord, You are righteous, 

and Your regulations are fair. 

Your laws are perfect and completely trustworthy.

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