Letter 105

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I really want to tell you about this manga I found Lord! It's so cute but the friends get to me. Wouldn't friends support their friend if she got a boyfriend unless that boy was hurting their friend but he wasn't so the friends irk me...They scare me a bit with how the artist draws them when they are mad but over all the manga is adorable!!! The manga is about a tall girl and short boy and it's just too cute! But I'm not going to lie Jesus, there are swearing a lot -_-|||
I just wanted to tell you about the anime. I often love telling my friends about the things I read and write and find and I wanted to write to YOU. You're my best friend so I would like to tell you these things and you always tell me the truth so I want to get closer to you. The voices came back but I know you are in this boat of life with me Jesus. I read Luke chapter 8 today and in verses 23 - 25 it was the part where you calmed the storm when you and the disciples were out at storm. I loved that even when we think we are going to down and sink in the trials we are going through, you don't leave us. You lead us to still waters and calm the voices. I'm not strong. I always look at the voices and get riled up but you are there Jesus, watching me and waiting until I pay attention to you. Give it to you and walk on. Where is my faith....that's a question I want to answer Jesus. And answer I wish to one day answer without looking down at myself in shame that I lost my temper again and again. But it gives me encouragement. You are still with me, in this small boat as we conquer life! The tides may come "boats against the current" as it says in the great Gatsby but you are still with me Jesus and you see my heart. I may be scared and lose all reasoning but I don't think I had any to begin with. You're my reasoning Jesus. You shape me and mold me or as a friend put it; I'm a dish that you clean each and every day. You wash away the sin until I'm sparkling God. Thank you.

Love you Jesus.

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