Letter 39

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I never thanked you God. Not once. I completely forgot to thank you for easing my pain, taking it away and calming my demons that plagued my mind. I remembered today Lord when months ago I dropped to my knees in my room; crying and saying "What is the root of all this?! What do I really want?" and then clarity struck. I want this depression to go away. I want to give myself to you and stop this shattering and killing of this organ in my chest, wasting away and drowning more and more into the insanity of my mind. Turning the world I saw as darkness and decaying into a whole rainbow of colors and light! I never thanked for that! I thanked you for everything else but that-answering my prayer! Always answering and I forget! God, I am sorry-so sorry for forgetting you and thank you so much for answering my prayer! Bringing light to chase away the shadows and widening my mind that was closed so long that even my walls were closing in on me, taking away the suffocation you did for me and gave me the breath of life. My father, thank you for always being my father and being so patient with me and pointing out my errors and always correcting me. Continue to do so Lord and remind me when I forget, pull me back and tell me "Thank me for all I do for you child. For I am the Lord and ruler of all and I love you so much to answer your prayers. I never forget you so you should never forget me." Thank you God for loving me and being my Father in heaven who sent down His Son, my brother to save me and all my siblings in Christ. Amen.


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