Letter 45

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Been some time huh Lord. I should kick myself for not keeping up at all with these letters. I wrote some on journals then stopped once more. I want to ask "What's wrong with me" again but then that is not the way I should be. I should be asking myself "What am I going to do now." Have I settled for something comfortable????? Does that even make sense? My brain loves being a huge jerk to me. My heart walks with you and my soul cries to follow you yet my brain goes in circles and whispers the opposite, to follow the opposite and it scares me. Worst part for me is I feel convicted because it is my thoughts isn't it? And I can't even seem to ask anybody or tell anybody about the intrusive voice that enters my twisted little mind. I have to keep focus in order to control my thoughts. I'm afraid that if I let go and ignore them instead of fight back I will be use to it and it will feel like giving in to the enemy. I never want to do that. Enough about my stupid self. I want to talk about my sibling FollowsJesus. A kind soul she, her poems make me feel like someone is in my little corner of madness looking for the calmness only you can give but I'm worried. Every writer draws their hearts on paper and then seals it in eternity. We have trouble wearing it on our sleeves because so many times we been hurt and then forced silent in some way or another so writing is the best thing we have. I love her poems but I worry because she feels sad-falling into a hole of trials and Lord I really want to pray for her. I pray Lord that all goes well and that the trials in her life makes her come out strong and brave. I pray she keep her eyes locked on you and know you would never abandon us or allow us to receive more than what we can handle. Please Lord I pray for her well-being. That she is well and blessed and all her blessings she continues to use to bless others. I pray even when things get bad she wakes up each day, smiles, and thank you for waking her up: I pray we all thank you for waking us up. I pray she keeps battling and never forgets you are with her in both her good and bad days. In you Holy name Jesus: Amen.


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