Letter 63

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I'm blank today Lord but I want to talk to you. I don't know about what though. Maybe how messed up my brain is but we both know fully well how deep that runs. I don't know God...sometimes when I'm actually at peace like today I feel the urge to be on guard. Like something is going to pop up and pick a fight with me. I'm conscious of everything I do and all the steps I take. Well I texted my friend Jessica today who I haven't texted in a while. I might be going to the same college she's going...Daley. Daley...man Lord does that rub me wrong. I've been refusing going there to go to art school but nothing is happening with the art school and now I don't even know if the art school is the place for me. I'm thinking of starting Daley and it's a talk my dad been trying to get me to have for a while now. I was really against it but yesterday when my dad brought it up again I realized...why does that school tick me off so much? Why is it I've been refusing to go? So I guess Daley is where I'm going to apply this weekend with the help of my dad and if you are willing Lord...perhaps it's where I need to be. God...how much do I break your heart? In the past how many times did I make you cry?  

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