Letter 51

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Never fasted Lord. Never participated in that and never truly seen the purpose of that. I am still learning but I think I got what it is about. Disciplining ourselves to listen to you and ignore the loud world around us. Getting close to you by giving up important things (food, technology, things we think we need to live off of) and praying (talking) to you constantly. Developing good habits. I want to try it and I'm so thankful God because my dad wants to do it too! I'm going to give up sweets (I have an addiction to sweets) and the time I spend on technology for you. My dad is thinking about giving up his smoking and drinking habits for 21 days! It's been so long....so long since I seen him do something for you. I can't really remember him ever fasting or doing something. I remember he use to play the guitar for our old church and attend meetings and talk with the pastor an everything but...I don't know. When we left and things went downhill everything became blurry....his drinking started back up and then his smoking...I'm use to it and it doesn't bother me much but i'm just so happy Lord that you are touching him. I can't recall ever talking with him about you or way that you work in our lives until this year and it just makes me so happy because everyone around me keeps telling me to give up on him. That he will never change or all he cares about is himself. They bring up his past and his mistakes and how it made me depressed in the past but I see glimpses of him Lord. Not a stranger but my dad....and I find strength and know that you are telling me never give up on him or anyone. I'm just so happy sometimes (all the times) when we're discussing you and the church or when I have a question and we get into topics of you, I want to cry. I feel myself tearing up because others are wrong. My dad is not lost. It's not too late for him. He's just tires and weary of the wounds he has inside and needs help letting go. We need you Jesus! I am honored God you chose me to lead my dad back. Bit by bit I see it. It's not me. It can never be "I" that speaks to my dad because I am only human. A sinner that needs guidance too Jesus. It is you using me to speak to him. Thank you! Only you can open people's hearts and it's a life process but please Lord...please don't ever leave us. Please forgive us when we are angry and hurt and choose to hold grudges: help us Jesus to do what you do and let go-give you our baggage, our brokenness and trust in you completely because only YOU  can make us new. Make up pure and beautiful. Keep my dad in your hands and mold the both of us to serve you. Help me to speak nothing but love through my lips and be aggressive against the enemy that tries to pervert the truth in my head. Holy Spirit I welcome you in my house, my life, my family, and my everything. Sometimes I get bored God but I know it is my flesh trying to get the best of me; help this fire burn in me for you and only you Jesus! Because only YOU are the way to the Father. Only you are the Light! The Truth! And the Way! Please God...when I feel like I'm going mad please hold me close and stay strong in you and your never ending mercy and love. Let your will be done Lord and I ask that others who are like me; that gets told to give up on someone and forget about them; that there's no hope for them or the person they pray for; that are going through struggles I may never know of Lord-I pray you strengthen them and fan the fire in their hearts. Teach them to never give up and stay firm in their beliefs in you. Please watch over them and teach us to walk in your love. Help us come to clarity and I pray for those who have yet to wake up. I pray they wake up and come to you Jesus and repent! Forgive up Lord! Forgive us all! Thank you Jesus for loving us and giving us Lord the gift of salvation God through your Son! In Jesus Almighty name! AMEN!


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