Letter 81

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God...I want to write but I don't know what about. I have so many ideas for so many chapters but I guess I don't have the urge to write. I want to, my fingers itch to continue these stories and make new ones but I don't feel motivated. I don't want to read. I want to write but then I don't. I want to sleep but then I don't. I want to not think or when I do I slip up. God...I know you haven't written me off. God. My soul will always belong to you. I tongue slip in my own mind. If that makes sense. I love you God but the devil always seems to slip his name in and I'm just wanting to smack something! It's been better lately though...You're teaching me to trust you and rebuke the devil but I don't want to slip up like that again Jesus. I belong to you. Jesus Christ; my heart belongs to you. Not the devil. My heart goes to your God. So I'm going to push through this laziness and hopefully write something out and I pray Lord Jesus that it glorifies you and does you justice. I pray God that you continue to use me even if I'm like this and messed up. I pray that my soul gets renewed in you and you continue to strengthen me throughout all of this. I'm willing to be broken if it means getting closer to you God. I'm willing if it means growing more in you Jesus and not slipping up in my mind. God, Jesus, Holy Spirit; I love you. Not the devil. I love you and thank you God Almighty for loving me more. Please help me with these battles. Amen.


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