Letter 71

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Thank you God for all you give even when ashamedly I take your blessings for granted. Thank you for giving me a mouth to speak and hands to write. For eyes to see and feet to walk. For food to eat and a nice bed to sleep on along with a warm home and family to live with. Sometimes I want to scream and pout and throw myself on the floor like a little baby. I lose my cool and I'm downright rotten to people who don't even deserve it. Forgive me Lord for my misdeeds. For letting my angry take the best of me and lash out to the closet one near me. Forgive me when my words cut through someone else's soul instead of breathing life into it like you breathed life into me. Give me the wisdom to speak my God to others and point the way to you for you are the one that gives life even when we feel like life doesn't exist. Forgive me Lord for doubts that come through my mind. For my question and prodding at your great wonders. Continue to teach me my God and open my eyes to your mighty ways. Give me strength for the burden that gets thrown upon my back. Train me to be a strong soldier for you Jesus. To be able to bear this cross I wear with honor while to others it looks like weakness. Forgive me for when I fall down and it takes much to long to get back up. Thank you for always being merciful towards a sinner like me Lord and vouching on my behalf to the Father. Thank you Father God for accepting me as your daughter when I was but an outcast and orphan never dreaming of ever being acceptable to you. Thank you for giving me burdens to bear for I know you give them to make me strong to stand against the enemy and for being merciful when everything overwhelms me and I feel like I'm losing my mind. Thank you Lord for being the hope I find in this darkness.  For always answering when I should be abandoned. And most of all Lord, My Abi Father of Heaven, ruler of Heaven and Earth! Thank you for promising to come back and take my siblings and I home when we deserve nothing more but to be left here to rot. Thank you for being my God and accepting me as your child.


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