Letter 97

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Thank you Jesus for helping me with my anxiety. I woke up feeling paranoid again. It's like I walk around with this fear and it's not healthy at all. What makes it worse is how the things in my head try to blame you God but it's not YOU Jesus. It's me. I get paranoid of blasphemy. Like I made fun of you and I know I didn't but now I'm just....doubting it. I'm scared Jesus. I'm scared that I did something unforgivable God. I'm cold right now and usually this cover feels warm. I wonder if I'm getting sick, Lord Jesus. Is this nervousness? We're leaving to Texas this week....should I go? What about counselling? I emailed my pastor God and he gave me the number of a counselor to talk to but I text him....I chickened out of calling him. Hopefully today I'll go through with it and call. It's intimidating....What would I say? Do I just bawl everything out? Would he understand God? The worst he could say is "no" but for some reason that's a hard blow to me. Maybe because I know I'm not alone but my feelings like getting to me. Jesus. I don't want to be separated from you. Only you know where I stand Jesus. God holds me so I'm fine. I'm broken and trying to keep a grip on everything but, Jesus, please help. Please help me. Amen.


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