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"We need seniors with the last name M through Z to go to the library for pictures," Principal Sparks said over the intercom, finally marking the last group of students needed for picture-taking. Genevieve picked up her bag and left fourth period along with a few others to the library.

After standing in line behind everyone else, her turn finally came and she told the photographer her last name. "Genevieve?" She nodded and sat down in the stool placed in front of the camera.

"Tilt your head up a bit... little more... okay, to the side... no, the other side... your left... down... just a little... there, perfect. Hold still. Smile!"

The kids who were just before Gen stood outside the glass window watching and snickering as the photographer tried to get the glare out of her glasses.

"One, two, three. Cheese!" A flash blinded Gen, then the photographer hit a button and looked at the picture. "Oh, no, you blinked! Let's try this again."

Are you fucking kidding me? Kms.

Gen could hear the kids laughing at her and her cheeks flushed.

She was repositioned and took a final photo. When she was able to leave, she stormed past the kids who were covering their giggles with their hands. She wanted to retaliate so badly. Tell them to shove off, leave her alone. But she never could gather enough balls to speak a word to them.

Genevieve returned to class and took notes as the teachers taught. When last period came around, Gen took her usual seat and waited for class to begin. Her desk being in the corner once again, there were empty desks to her left and in front of her. Just as the late bell sounded, the new kid stumbled in, a crumpled piece of paper that must've been his schedule in his hands. He glanced at it over and over before deciding that he was in the right class. Nervous eyes skimming the room, Frank searched for a desk to sit in. Gen peered up at him from above her glasses and thought, Oh, God, please, no. Do not come over here – do not – ah fuck.

"Mind if I sit here?" Frank asked kindly, gesturing to the free seat. Gen simply shook her head without looking at his face. He sat down and pulled out his notebook from his backpack. Doodles had been drawn all over the cover, band logos and lyrics in the midst of made-up characters and abstract shapes. Gen couldn't help but stare at it admiringly. Frank noticed and asked, "You listen to any?"

Caught off guard, Genevieve blinked and pushed her glasses up on her nose. "Huh?"

"Oh, I just saw you looking. Do you listen to any of the bands?"

"Um, yeah. All of them, actually. You have great taste." Jfc what am I doing?!?

Frank smiled and said, "Thanks. You, too. Nice jacket, by the way."

Gen had to look down to remind herself of what jacket she was wearing. Oh, yeah, the only jacket I have. Stupid stupid stupid. "Thanks. It's Twenty One Pilots." What the fuck? He knows that, Gen.

He laughed and said, "Yeah, I know. I love them." Frank then pointed to a corner of his notebook which contained purely Twenty One Pilots inspired artwork and lyrics. "See?"

"Oh. Yeah – "

"Okay, class, turn your books to page..."

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