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When Gen realized Frank was walking out, she nearly tripped over herself as she scurried back down and pretended she'd just arrived. As he looked up, Genevieve could see the frustration in his flustered cheeks and angry tears collected in the corner of his eyes.

"Oh, hey! I was just coming to get you," she said, the smile she put on burning a hole into her heart.

He ruffled his hair and exhaled, then quickly regained composure and met her at the bottom of the stairs. "Hi."

"Ready to do this thing?" Gen asked, gradually getting pumped for their upcoming rendezvous.

"Definitely," Frank said, urgency hidden in his voice. He was itching to get as far away from his mother as possible.

So, the teens began their journey.

For a while, it was silent. Frank was thinking about what he just walked into – or rather, out of, and Genevieve couldn't push away her need to give him a hug and let him know it's okay.

Finally, Gen turned to look at him and realized that he was wearing a t-shirt. All those days he dressed for the Arctic, and he chose that day to dress for the Amazon. Luckily, Gen had considered this when getting dressed, so she was willing to shed her outermost layer.

Without saying anything, she took it off and held it out to him. "Are you sure?" he asked, though he'd already taken it and put it on.

Gen laughed and said, "Yeah."

Once they'd made it to the school twenty minutes later, they returned to the familiar course they'd taken earlier that day, the only difference being the lighting. While on the way to the school, the street lamps had lit the way, but once they left the roads, Gen had to stop and dig the flashlight out of the bag.

"You came prepared, I see," Frank teased, helping her.

Guided by the flashlight, which was manned by Gen, they eventually made it to the rock, the time now 9:42.

The crickets and cicadas chirped and buzzed from the trees and the grass, letting them know they weren't alone.

They helped each other climb the rock, and once at the top, Gen unloaded the blanket, spreading one on the rock and saving one to lie underneath if it got cold enough. She sat down, Frank beside her, and handed him a package of animal themed gummies and a strawberry kiwi Capri-Sun. He smiled childishly and teased, "How'd you know?"

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