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jay ok but sam's writing is 690% better than mine

"Baby, do you not like it? Don't cry you look amazing," concern flooded Frank's eyes, and tears flooded Gerard's.

It took him a minute to speak, "No, no. It's exactly what I've wanted for so long. It's perfect." You're perfect.


When they got home Gerard's tears had ceased and his smile never faded. He always dreamt of having short hair. Let's be honest, long hair is a pain in the ass.

When Gerard was young, he'd always had long hair. He was born with lots of thick hair. When he was five, his hair reached his butt, and it didn't get any shorter until second grade, when Gerard was seven.

He had decided he wanted something new and asked for a hair cut, a long bob with short bangs. Big mistake. His two front teeth were missing and he had a slight obsession with wizards and all things magic. Dungeons and Dragons included. He had always been a huge nerd but this "lob" and the horrific bangs, that made his face seem chubbier, was over the top. This was basically the reason he had never really gotten a real hair cut after that. It took almost three years to grow out fully, he even had side swept bangs for years four and five. After that, until now, his only salon experiences were of cutting off split ends or maybe his mom getting her hair coloured.

He was still in shock and couldn't stop touching his head. Curling the ends around his fingertips, ghosting over the hair that was formerly present there. He spent about thirty minutes forgetting it was gone for a moment and then instantly remembering and becoming overjoyed all over again.


Donna made a snack of apples and crunchy peanut butter for the boys and went to the couch to watch TV for the remainder of sun is out happy be awake daylight time.

The crisp apple slice crunches loudly under Frank's teeth and Gerard giggled.

"Do you have to eat so loud?" Gerard asked, not really bothered more so curious.

Frank responded in a posh English accent, "Yes, of course I do, Gerard, boy."

"What the fuck Frank?" Both tried, really tried, to keep a straight face. But I think we've made it very clear they can't do much of anything straight.

The couple burst out laughing, Gerard almost falling off the small kitchen island and Frank doubling over, clutching at his laugh-induced side ache.

"Why are we like this?" Frank managed to get out in between the now faltering stifle of giggles and 'oh my god stop it's.

"When I find out, you'll be the first to know."

After the laughter subsided, the boys finished off their snacks and went to Gerard's room. They'd hate to admit it but a day without school is somewhat boring as fuck. They really just didn't know what to do with themselves, it's as if all teenagers did was go to school and do homework.

"Hey, I just realised something." Gerard sparked after a few long moments of silence. Not awkward silence, more like lazy and bored silence.

"Yeah? Everything alright?" Frank furrowed his brow, hands on his hips.

"Sugar, everything's fine. I just realised you never finished showing me your drawings." Frank reddened at the new pet name, it definitely being his favourite so far.

"Oh, okay that's g-good. And yeah, let's finish that up."

also v v sorry about no chapter yesterday, I could've published this at like midnight but I hadn't edited it and I wanted it to be perfect long chapter tomorrow ily

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