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Steak, Siblings, and Sneaking Around

Jay Oh so it's been 6 days kms (I'll stop promising to update I'm too unreliable also I'm aware frnk is a veg I am too but he had chicken nuggets so)


"...Marina is quite a bit younger than you two," Donna finished. The trio was eating medium rare steaks and guzzling down Dr. Pepper. It was a welcomed change as they have pasta and ice water basically every night.

"Wait what?" Gerard spoke up, he had zoned out since Donna said, "I hope steak's okay."

"Oh my god Gerard, were you not even listening?" Frank questioned, stifling back giggles.

"Oh honey, it's okay. I know Thanksgiving has always been a stressful time for you. I just said that Mel and Bert are coming down tomorrow for Thanksgiving," Donna's voice was always so calming.

"Bert? I thought you guys haven't talked in like three years?" Gerard asked. Frank was really lost at the moment, he felt like the new kid at school all over again, not knowing who was who and what to say.

"Five actually. He's been difficult to say the least." Gerard scoffed at that.

"By difficult do you mean a homophobic, transphobic, racist asshole?"

Donna genuinely laughed, "pretty much."

Frank had to say something because he was so curious he thought he might implode if he didn't say something soon.

He tried to asked too many questions at a time; he wanted to ask things like "Who are Mel and Bert?" "Why is he an asshole?" "Who's Marina?" "Why are you anxious about Thanksgiving?" But it came out more like, "whosmelwhosbertwhatsgoingonimscared?????" Both Gerard and Donna were thrown into a fit of hysterical laughter.

"Frank, Mel is my younger sister. Melanie is her full name. She's bringing her baby daughter, Marina, with her. And Bert. Bert's our brother. Our reclusive, bigoted brother that hasn't been around much. But I convinced both of them to come down, this once, for Thanksgiving. It was always such a big thing when we were little," she took a bite of her now cold steak and continued, "I haven't talked to them since them so you're going to have to provide some answers." She cleared her throat. "Answers as in how Gen is now Gerard and you two are dating."

Frank noticed Gerard already ghostly pale complexion go completely white, completely void of any colour, a true tint. Not that Frank was staring or anything but he noticed how his pupils dilated and his fork shook slightly in his hand.

"Let me explain," her voice was crackly, she was but a shell of her normal cheery self, "I called them both about a month ago, before you two met, before Gerard found himself, before all of this."

She took a deep breath, "So, they aren't going to know. I should've told you sooner so you could've prepared," guilt was present in her voice, "Gee, you were just so happy with Frank, and your hair, and I just couldn't ruin that. I know I fucked up royally."

"Mom. Stop. It's f-fine," his words faltered as his gaze was down at his now inedible food.

"It'll be fine, we'll figure something out," added Frank. That was the end of the conversation.


No one said anything else until Gerard excused himself to his room a few minutes later, muttering something about being tired. He had lost his appetite. He could barely keep himself together at the table, he had to leave. He was on the brink of a full-blown panic attack.

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