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this might get a little intense so just be ready

"What the hell does that even mean? I don't have any nephews," Bert said, having stopped eating, too.

Melanie sighed and tapped her brother's hand. "Oh, Bertie, you know what that means. Stop being so coy," she told him, then turned to Gerard and said with a soft smile, "I'm happy for you, little one. Good for you."

"Thank you, Aunt Mel," he choked out, gratitude mixed with relief in his voice. It was quiet, and Gerard started to think the worst was over. He loosened his grip on Frank's hand.

Bert was looking down at his plate, staring hard at it, as if he was trying to make it move with telekinesis. Then he looked up at Gerard and said, "I'm leaving."

Donna reached out to him as he aggressively pushed his chair back and stood, saying, "Wh – wait, Bert. You can't just –"

He shot a grimace at her and exclaimed with a raised voice, "How could you let her do this? That's disgusting. I thought Mom raised you better than this. You're own daughter! A tranny!"

Having grown up with Bert, Donna was used to the occasional angry outbursts or hypocritical opinions, but this was taking it too far. Her face red hot, she stood up to him and yelled, pushing his chest away, "What the fuck are you talking about, Bert? Not how Mom raised me? That was thirty years ago! You're really gonna stand here and tell me that because she didn't let you play with fucking Barbie dolls, my son can't be my son? Do you know who he is at all? As a person? As your nephew? You haven't seen him in five years! Who the hell do you think you are? You have no right to talk about him like this. He was brave enough to tell you in the first place, the least you could do is not insult him!"

He stood there, shaking his head in demise, then snickered arrogantly. "I can't believe this. What has the world come to? I swear, anyone can walk around and say that they're a guy now, and suddenly, everyone's all 'good for you! we're proud of you!' You're all freaks! Why can't you just be who you're supposed to be?!? Do you want to feel special or something? Do you need the attention? Oh, that's what this is, isn't it? Ha! You're trying to make me feel bad for not visiting every once and a while. I get it, now. Good joke, everyone." He was laughing incredulously, clapping his hands and pointing.

Gerard and Frank were staring at each other, confused and sickened.

"Oh my, God. I cannot believe this. Actually...yeah, I can. You have to make every single thing about you, don't you, Bert? Well, guess what! You're not the center of attention anymore! The world doesn't revolve around you! And that makes you upset, doesn't it, Bertie. Does that make you feel...belittled? Undermined? Overlooked? Well, wake up! That's how we all feel! Put yourself in Gerard's shoes for once, just once. How do you think he feels everyday? What do you think – "

"Wait, did you say...Gerard? Gerard? You gave yourself a new name? What the – do you have any respect for your mother? She named you. You don't get to just rename yourself! This is the problem with kids nowadays! Parents aren't raising you at all! They let you do whatever the hell you want! I am so disappointed, Donna. And she was such a beautiful girl...Now look at her! You look like a dyke! And an ugly one at that!"

Donna slapped him. Hard. It left a hand print on his right cheek. "Don't you ever, ever, talk to my son that way again, or I swear to God, you will regret it."

Gerard had never in his life heard his mother threaten anyone. And from the look on Bert and Melanie's face, neither had they. At this point, Marina was crying, the high pitched screeches muffled by Mel trying to calm her. She looked up at her brother, her eyes twitching with anger. "I can't believe you. When are you gonna wake the fuck up, Bert?!? Not everyone is normal! Not everyone has to be just like you! You know what, whatever. I don't care. I'm gay, Bert. My girlfriend lives in Seattle with me and Marina. I got pregnant with her from a donor sperm. But does that make her any less of our baby? No! It doesn't, you goddamned prick!"

Bert's eyes were closed, his fists were clenched, and his lips were unmoving. "You need to leave," Donna said, opening the door for him. "I'm so glad you were able to come see your nephew."

"Oh, no. That – that thing is not my nephew. I need you to understand that – "


He began walking toward the door, and when he was under the doorway, Gerard stood up and yelled with a smirk of overwhelming confidence, "Oh, yeah, and Frank's my boyfriend, which means we're gay for each other! Have a nice life, Uncle Bert!" And with that, Donna shut the door in his face.

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