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"Okay, story time!" Donna exclaimed when she heard her daughter come in and close the door behind her. Gen laughed and found her mother leaning on the island in the kitchen, an intrigued eyebrow raised.

"Oh, stop it, Mom," Gen sighed, rolling her eyes playfully.

"But I wanna know! Do you like him? How long have you two been friends?" Donna began asking questions left and right.

"Calm down, geez! He just came to school today. We talked for a bit in last period and it was cold outside and he had to walk so I offered him a ride since he practically lives right here," Gen explained.

Apparently it was a real let down for her mom, for Donna frowned, then said, "Wait, you didn't answer my other question. Do you like him?"

Genevieve found herself looking down at her shoes and hiding a smile.

Her mother gasped.

"No! Okay, no. I mean, he's attractive and nice and stuff. Okay, really attractive, but I've known him a day! One day! Let's just see how things pan out. Don't get your panties in a wad, lady," Gen laughed and hugged her mom from behind.

"Okay, fine..." Donna turned around to face her daughter. "I'm just happy you're finding friends, Gen."

"Me, too."

That night Donna made spaghetti and they ate together in the living room side by side on the couch in front of the television which displayed the newest episode of Doctor Who. When eight o'clock came around, Gen told her mom goodnight and headed to her room, where she got out her notebook and began writing the events of the day. But Genevieve's notebook wasn't like the typical girl's diary. Gen had received the journal as a birthday present that year and planned to make it into a collection of memoirs for her future self, only entering significant events in her life that she deemed worthy to be remembered later on.

Dear Future Self,

My entire existence has officially been questioned. How come no one has ever shown interest of any kind toward me for the past six years, yet when my last year of school finally arrives, a person actually talks to me? Like??? It doesn't make sense at all.

Frank Iero has increased the Roman High School population by one, which could quite possibly be the only good addition since myself, three and a half years ago. This boy has miraculously been placed in my life – and my apartment complex – and I can't seem to find the answer as to why. I mean, yeah, he's cool and I think we'll be friends, but I literally have half a year left and then I'm off to college. Why did he just now decide to move here? Like, dude, you're three and half years too late. Get with the program.

So far, here is what I know about Frank Iero:

he has a pristine music taste
his eyes are like these mud puddles but way prettier
he is a smol bean
he likes to draw
his hair is sick as frick
he's from New Jersey
he lives with his mom
he sways back and forth when he's nervous
how the fuck do I know all of this from one day's time
damn I'd be a good detective

Anyways, it's mid-November so it's so fucking cold outside and Frank had to walk home so I offered to give him a ride. It turns out that he moved into the third floor of my apartment, room 157? I think? The point is, it wasn't a big deal. So when I took him to his door and was telling him bye, he hugged me and asked if we were friends. I've never had anyone say that to me, and inside my head was exploding and I was so happy. I still am. Loner Gen has finally found a friend! Progress is being made in the universe!

On a side note, remind me to look up what it means to feel uncomfortable when called a girl.

See you soon


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