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Gerard froze and hid behind Frank, who was now standing next to the dining table. Donna chuckled nervously and twisted her neck from side to side. "Show time."

She opened the door to see Melanie standing in front of her apartment, a baby carrier swaying low in one hand and a diaper bag over the other shoulder. Her eyes lit up as Donna appeared, and she wrapped her arm around her sister. "Sis! God, it's been so long. You look like such a mom. A hot mom, don't get me wrong, but...wow."

Donna laughed, welcomed her inside, and shut the door. As Gerard's Aunt Mel walked in and gently placed the carrier on the counter, he grinned, remembering the last time he'd seen her and thinking that she hadn't changed a bit.

She wore a frilly pink dress and white tights, her lipstick and eyeshadow to match. Half of her short hair was blonde and the other black. The gap between her front teeth was obvious yet suiting as she smiling widely at her niece. Well, nephew, but she didn't know that yet.

Melanie exhaled heavily, and after making sure Marina was still asleep, she turned around and opened her arms wide to Gerard. "Gen! Oh, look at you! Your hair's so nice, when'd you cut it?"

They hugged shortly, Gerard able to catch the scent of her bubblegum perfume before letting go and saying, "Yesterday. Thank you." The sound of her saying Gen seemed so foreign and it took him a moment to remember why she called him that. But before he could say anything, Mel turned to Frank, who was awkwardly standing to the side with his fists buried in the pockets of Gee's jeans.

"And who might you be, cutie?"

He blushed and said, "Frank. Um – "

"A friend who's staying with us for a little while," Donna cut off, shooting a look at the boys that implied that they shouldn't mention anything yet.

Frank gave Gerard a worrisome, quizzical look, and Gee said, "Are we gonna – "

"Let's wait until your Uncle Bert gets here, why don't we," Donna said sweetly, trying not to make it sound weird to Melanie.

"Um, wait for what?" Mel asked, caught in between a silent sword match. Luckily, everyone was saved by the sound of a crying baby who'd just woken up. She scurried over and unfastened her. "Aw, my sweet baby girl. Don't be such a crybaby." Melanie picked her up, swaddled and all, and let her lie in her arms.

"She's beautiful, Mel," Donna told her sister proudly, not having seen her niece until then.

"Thank you, I made her myself. Would you like to hold her?" Melanie offered, already holding her out.

Donna gladly took her, nostalgia from when Gerard was that tiny making her smile. "What's her name again?" Frank asked, who absolutely loved kids, as he hovered over her and caressed her cheek with the gentlest touch.

"Marina," Mel answered, preoccupied as she searched through and around the carrier, mumbling, "Where's her binky now?"

"That's nice, is it after anyone?"

"Lana's mom's name is Marina," she said, finally finding it.

"Oh, who's Lana?" Gee asked, now in on the baby admiring.

Melanie only hesitated for a split second, but Gerard definitely caught it. "My...girlfriend."

Frank didn't miss a beat. "That's cool! Could she not come?"

It was more than obvious as Melanie mentally heaved a sigh of relief. "She had to work, but she wanted to come, I promise. She says hi to everyone."

"I'd love to meet her. You guys should all take a trip up here to visit some time," Donna suggested without looking up from Marina, who was cooing and touching Donn'a face with her small chubby hands.

"We will definitely try, sis. Th–thank you."

Looks like both of us had something to announce, Gerard thought. Only mine has a little more baggage on top of Frank.

They all decided to sit in the living room and wait until Bert arrived before converging at the dining table. Gerard and Frank had to share the recliner, Donna and Mel taking up the whole couch as they caught up on each other's lives. Worried that they would give it away before they had the chance to tell everyone at once, the boys were pushed to opposite sides of the furniture, and even then, their arms were touching. Frank looked up at Gee, brushing against his hand momentarily before mouthing, "I love you." Gerard grinned and silently replied, "And I love you."

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