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When they arrived on the outskirts of campus, Gen decided that they should wait in the field until the bell rang, then start walking towards the Middle School like always to make it look like they were taking their normal route.

As they slowly inched on, Frank smiled to himself when he realized that Gen automatically assumed that she would be giving him a ride home.

It's crazy how things seemed to stick with her. Nothing's just dropped or forgotten about. Every little thing has significance, like that first day she gave me a ride home or the day I showed her my sketches on my notebook or the race up our apartment stairs. The memories we've made may be few, but they're more special than my whole life up to this point.

Frank realized that they had both dazed out and got lost in their own heads whilst walking, and they had made it to the parking lot of the Middle School. He checked the time, 2:57. "Three minutes," he said, noticing that he'd begun shivering through his sweater. His thought process whilst picking out his clothes for that day didn't factor in the possibility of staying outside in 40°  weather all day. He looked to Gen and saw her shivering, too. He wished he had a jacket to give her... and a jacket for himself.

Their eyes met and Gen giggled, "You a little cold?"

Frank huffed and crossed his arms, rubbing his biceps up and down. "Nah, you?"

"Nope," she said, her chin high but her breath forming white clouds before her.

The bell sounded and they looked at each other. "Show time," Frank said, giving her a reassuring smile. Gen groaned and surged to her mom's car. Donna walked out of the office, wrapping herself in her cardigan and unlocking the car with her keys. She got in, turned the heater on, and watched her daughter and Frank grow in the rear-view mirror.

Gen opened the passenger door and greeted, "Hello."

"Hey," she smiled, giving no hint of having the knowledge of her daughter's purposeful absence. "Frank," she acknowledged, giving him a friendly nod as he got in and buckled up.

"Hi, Miss Way."

"How was school today?" she asked, glancing at Gen. Suddenly, she remembered her and her mom's recent bonding experience that had brought them closer over the days. This made her smile.

"Fun-filled and adventurous," Gen answered and shot Frank a quick smirk through the mirror. He smiled and looked down.

Donna raised her brow and said, "That great, huh?"


"Bye, Frank," Genevieve said, a twinkle in her eye, as her and Frank departed halfway up the stairs.

"See ya, Rebel," he whispered back, wearing a crooked smile filled with admiration.

Gen covered her laugh with the palm of her hand, then remembered, "Hey, don't forget about tonight."

"What time?"

"Is nine okay?"


They smiled at each other and Gen waved before returning down to her apartment, where her mom was waiting.

She closed the door behind her and was walking to her room when she heard her mom say behind her, "So, how'd McDonalds taste for a change?"

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