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The next two classes passed agonizingly, Gerard eager to hear from Frank and Frank eager to tell Gerard. He thought about this a lot on the way to school that morning. Frank was tired of worrying about what he would think of him. They'd already established an understanding of each other, why should either of them try to hide anything? The promise they made on their date was what really kept nagging him. I am such a hypocrite. I wasn't even thinking when I said that to him. How could I tell Gerard 'no more secrets' when I have plenty of them myself? It wouldn't be fair to keep this from him anymore. Plus, I don't think I can handle another night on that goddamned floor. My back is definitely paying the price.

So, when the time came for lunch to begin, Frank and Gerard met at their table at lunch and the first thing out of Gerard's mouth was, "Should I be worried? Is it something major?"

Frank sat down and told him, "Hold up, let me just...figure out how to put this."

Gerard sat patiently, a list of million case scenarios pushing him closer to the edge. What could possibly make him an hour late and look like he survived a year alone on the Antarctic?

"My mom, she uh...kicked me out," Frank finally said.

"What?" That was not on the list.

"Not this morning. Friday, actually. Right before you uh...took me to the rock." Frank felt horrible, sick to his stomach. He pushed away his tray of food.

Gerard pieced it together slowly, remembering the yelling he overheard from their apartment, the expression on Frank's face that he tried to hide. "Oh my god. Frank, I – "

"No, it's not your fault. Don't even start to think that. My mom, she's...she's..."

"She's what, Frank?" Gerard couldn't take it anymore. Why did she kick him out?

"She's a...a...." Frank just couldn't get the words to come out, though the tears definitely weren't having a problem. "My mom's a drug addict." Before Gee could interrogate, he chose to take initiative and explain. "She has been ever since I was little. That's why my dad divorced her. She – she gets mad all the time and...hits me and I – I finally had enough of it. She told me that if I walked out the door I couldn't come back and god dammit, I left. I opened the door and walked out. And then I saw you," Frank paused to lock eyes with his boyfriend, then continued, "And that was when I knew. I knew that...you were it. I walked out that door and into a new one and I just wish I had done it sooner."

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