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(((oh look I actually updated vibes)))

"Goodnight, Mom," Gerard called from his bed, signaling he was going to sleep.

"Goodnight, Ms. Way!" Frank's voice echoed through the hall from the living room couch, signaling he was also going to sleep.

"G'night kids! I'm going to make myself some tea and crash out myself." Donna smiled, shutting Gerard's bedroom door and heading to the kitchen.

She started the kettle, curious if Frank's mom really was out of town and it wasn't just a white lie to get Frank to stay over. She leant back onto her counter, questioning whether or not to actually check.

Of course she trusted Gerard, but she could tell he wasn't exactly telling the truth.

She hummed, tapping her fingers against the countertop until finally deciding to do it.

She slipped past Frank and through the doorway, careful not to be too loud. She slipped through the halls and leaned against Frank's doorway, listening for any noise.

It seemed they were telling the truth after all, she really should've trusted her dau- fuck, son.

And that was when the door opened.

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