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The last bell of the day rang through the high school, dismissing the students. Gen shut her textbook and slung her bag over her shoulder. The rest of the class swarmed out in seconds, leaving her and Frank to be the last ones to leave. As Gen walked out, Frank followed her to her locker. "I'm Frank, by the way. New here." He extended his hand out for her to shake.

Genevieve laughed and said, "Genevieve. You can call me Gen," shaking it. Damn, those are some nice hands.

"So, do you drive home?" he asked curiously as they walked towards the exit doors.

"Um, my mom does, actually. But she works in the office down at the Middle School, so it just works out better that way," Gen admitted. Frank simply nodded. She was expecting a comment of some sort, or at least a smirk. It's not normal for a senior to have their mom drive them to and fro.

"What about you?" she dared to ask. The level of audacity she was experiencing shocked her – Genevieve was not the outgoing, Hi-Nice-To-Meet-You kind of girl, but rather the shy, I'd-Rather-Not-Draw-Attention-To-Myself girl.

"Gotta walk; my mom doesn't get off work until six."

"Dude, really? It's cold as fuck outside," she blurted, catching herself with a gasp.

Frank laughed loudly, the open-mouth kind, and said, "Yeah, I know."

"Where do you live?" Gen found herself asking. Uhm, abort, abort, what the fuck are you doing, Gen?

"Um, I think it's called Dodger Apartments? I'm not really sure. But I know where – "

"No way."

"Wait, do you – "

"Yes. I do."

"Well, I'll be damned," Frank smiled.

"Do you want a ride? I'm sure my mom would be cool with it."

"Wow, um, sure. Thanks," he said gratefully.

Frank followed Genevieve across the field to Donna's black Sedan, where she was already in it, warming it up. Gen opened the passenger door and said, "Hey, Mom, this is Frank." He stood beside her, smiled, and waved tinily. "He needs a ride."

Donna's face lit up and she said, "Hello, Frank!" He sat down in the back seat behind Gen, hugging his bag.

"He's new," Genevieve explained as her mom pulled out of the parking lot.

"Oh, really? Where you from, Frank?"

"New Jersey."

"Wow, that's quite a ways away. Why'd you – "

"Divorce," he answered, having been asked that question a number of times before, and he was tired of sugar-coating it.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Frank. If you don't mind me asking, who are you staying with now?"


"I'm a single mom, too," Donna said in an attempt to make him feel better. She could see him shifting in the backseat from her rear view mirror.


"So, where do you live?"

"Same apartment complex as you, oddly enough."

"Oh. Then it must be fate."

They parked at their apartment complex and got out. "Where are you?" Gen asked.

"Third floor, apartment 157. You?"

"Second. 98. I'll walk you up."

They all took the stairs, Donna departing on the second floor but Gen and Frank continuing up. They stopped in front of 157 and faced each other.

"So, does this make us friends?" Frank asked with a grin.

Gen chuckled and said, "Yeah, I think so."

"Awesome. See you tomorrow?"


Frank opened his arms for a hug, Gen laughing and hugging him back. Awe, you're so smol.

"Thanks for the ride," he said, stepping back and taking his key out to unlock the door.

"No problem."

With one last glance, Frank disappeared behind his door and Gen idled there for a moment before grinning childishly and running down the stairs to her own apartment.

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