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The entire solar system collapsed around them, the earth a spinning blur in the midst of something even the stars couldn't understand. It was like the floor beneath them fell and they were floating on winter's cold breath. Genevieve's heart was in her throat and she felt as if she was going to float into outer space.

"Oh," Frank said.

Thud. That was the sound of Gen's heart as it jumped off the balcony and landed in the parking lot.

"Oh my god. I can't believe I just – Jesus Christ, what is wrong with me? Why did I have to ruin this? This is all my fau – " She gasped as Frank leaned over, knocking down the bottle of wine and staining the blanket, and grabbed her neck, pulling her into a kiss.

The destruction that took place was now set on rewind, the broken buildings reconstructing themselves, the tape rolling back up in its cassette. A colossal wave of refreshing solace washed onto the shore, briefly brushing her toes before being pulled back into the ocean of unreachable content.

She blinked multiple times, pushing back the tears that had unknowingly formed. "What?" Gen's voice was barely a whisper, denial finding its way back into her consciousness.

Frank gently placed his hand on top of her's, and though his voice was quiet, it was filled with stringency. "Gen, don't you ever ever think that you're not good enough. I wouldn't want you any other way, you got that?"

She had swallowed a pound of bricks and was unable to get a word out. Instead, maniacal laughter was mixed with muddled sobs as Genevieve buried her face in her hands. Over and over, she repeated, "Thank you. Thank you," impotent of coming up with a better way to express her gratitude towards him.

Frank was now feeble. He wrapped his arms around her and in a matter of seconds they had become a confused pile of tears and elation.

"I am so proud of you," he said, his words muffled through the fabric of her shirt. "I love you."

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