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Frank was close to tears by the time he finished reliving his past, Gerard sitting beside him with his eyes closed, fighting the urge to cry into his chest. Donna sat still, patient, every fiber of her body being put towards giving Frank her full attention. She knew it was painful for Frank to spit those words out, but she also knew that it was even more painful to keep them a secret, to let them eat him alive. Gerard had been the only person to know, the only one to hear of his boyfriend's confidential life.

Though she had questions fighting their way up her throat, Donna swallowed them. Judging by the pink blotches under his eyes, she didn't think it was worth it. All she wanted was the plot line, not the detailed character synopsis.

She was trying to figure out the best thing to say. I'm sorry? Oh, that's unfortunate? Donna looked into his blurry irises, then down to his trembling hands. Words aren't going to help this boy. She leaned forward and took him into her arms, Frank burying his face in her shoulder, crying and shaking, repeating 'I hate her' and 'it's all her fault'.

Donna let him fall apart, and decided.

"Frank, you stay here as long as you want, honey."

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