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Real Pencils and Kissing Like They Do in France (by Fall Out Boy)

(I'm gonna start naming my chapters in my author's notes because I can and hopefully it's okay with Sam)

jay (I am so sorry this is so late I've been really depressed lately but this isn't about me this is about the frerard gay feels o h and I lied about updating "tomorrow" sry about that)

((((Slight tw///mentions a drawing of a boy hanging himself and like lowkey almost smut ))))))

"And what's this one?" Gerard pointed to a picture of a pair of eyes. It was done in a dull number 2 pencil so it was only as detailed as it could be. They looked rather familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Frank's cheeks tinted at that, embarrassed by this one.

"They're your eyes." He spoke apprehensively, choking up a little at the end. He didn't want Gerard to think he was weird or anything as this was dated when they had first met.

"Wow, I see it now. This is amazing, Frank. This was right after we met for the first time wasn't it?" Gerard was blushing now, not exactly sure of what he should say.

"Um, yeah." Quickly, he turned the page to a drawing of a teenage boy. All done in ball point pen, the boy had a rope around his neck. He looked almost peaceful. He was smirking but his eyes were smiling bright, not as snarky as his lips came out to be. He looked truly content but also like he knew something Gerard didn't. Then Gerard noticed where the boy was, off the balcony at their apartment complex, where Frank had stayed when his mother kicked him out not that long ago.

His brows furrowed and looked concerned so Frank spoke up, "This was when my mom kicked me out. I was happy because our date, but I still was in a dark place." Frank couldn't make eye contact with Gerard, his voice was raw and hurt.

Gerard didn't know what to say so he managed to get out a quite, "oh".

The next drawing was of a flower, just a flower. It's petals were wilting and some had fallen off. Frank didn't need to explain, Gerard understood this one more than Frank could've imagined.


After a few more doodles, they came to the end of the drawings, blank pages the only things to be seen.

"Why don't you draw me something?" His voice changing, more sultry than Frank was used to.

"Like what?" Frank said with a cheeky wink that left them both of the floor laughing.

"Anything you want, babe." And he winked. He fucking winked. That's the moment that Gerard Way killed Frank Iero with his fucking perfect face and his shy smile and his thick glasses that complimented his facial structure and his fucking perfect everything. Frank Iero was never heard from again because now he is in hell for being gay (well pansexual but god sees no difference).

Not really, but that was the moment when Frank Iero's insides melted and he was just really fucking grateful to have Gee in his life and he loved him so fucking much like actually he would rather eat his own fucking arm than ever hurt Gerard.

After fighting himself internally for what felt like seven years but was probably like thirty seconds, he responded with a nod and got out a real pencil. Like an art pencil, like a real 2B whatever the fuck art pencil that was buried in his bag, because he cared that fucking much about Gerard.

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