omg im sorry ;-;

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Before you freak out, let me make it clear that I am not putting this story on hold.

The new trimester just started and I have either new classes or the second part of the harder classes, so I am getting bombarded with work. I've meant to write something yesterday and today but I've realized that the time I normally utilize for writing has now been replaced with homework. the struggles ugh

Eventually I'm going to find a good schedule and figure out where to work writing into my time. I may just have to make it one of those update every Saturday fics or something idk I don't really want to do that cuz I like writing on my own leisure and surprising you guys with a random update but
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's gonna be hard cuz this is one of those fics where I just write a new chapter when I get inspiration or my brain randomly conjures some idea so I write it down and bam new chapter and I'm freakin out cuz I love writing this story and I don't want to let you guys down and whhhyyjsjshahdjudwnk im have a breakdown

but anyways sorry this wasn't a new chapter I'll get on it when I get the chance ◕︵◕

Have a good day/night guys and thank you for reading! It makes me so happy when I hear from you like legit it makes my day

pls don't fret. This story will continue, the updates will just be a little less frequent. And please don't leave like i promise i won't quit this fic i love writing it.

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