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They both had a seat next to each other on top of the blanket. Though the hard concrete floor wasn't all that comfortable, they both chose to ignore it. Frank opened the basket and pulled out four sandwiches. Before Gen could question the excessive quantity, Frank explained sheepishly, "I didn't know what kind you like."

He had made a turkey, ham, and bologna sandwich for her to choose from. She couldn't stop herself from letting out a laugh, though it wasn't condescending at all. "Oh, Frank. You're so sweet."

She picked up the turkey one and said, "Always my go-to."

Frank held up his and said, "Same."

Gesturing to the Moscato, Gen said, "You do know that legal age is 21 in Oregon, right? Not 18?"

He shrugged and said, "Yeah. So?"

Gen giggled and shook her head, "If my mom catches us, we're dead."

"Nah, I'm sure I can out run her," he professed.

"Hey!" She lightly hit his shoulder and asked, "What about me?"

"Oh, yeah," he smiled, taking a bite off his sandwich.


They had eaten their sandwiches and drank two glasses of wine each, which surprised both of them, for they'd never had a sip of alcohol before. Their brains were numb, their sight hazy, but their thoughts were still somewhat logical at this point. They spoke about school, graduating, and eventually the steamy subject of their relationship. They agreed that they would take it slow, just so it wouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, especially Donna. Gen was worried that if her mother knew about them being more than friends, she'd stop being so lenient with the reigns. A simple walk around the block would suddenly turn into a quick make out sesh in her eyes, when really, nothing significant would change. Though it wouldn't hurt...

When Gen started to talk about her mom, recent memories of that morning reappeared in her thoughts and she couldn't stop smiling. Everything was going perfectly. She was dating Frank, she had come to terms with herself, her mother knew and accepted her, Frank knew – oh, right...Frank doesn't know.

How's our relationship going to work if he thinks he's dating the girl he met on November 19th? Oh, God, will he back out at the thought of dating a boy? Will he be comfortable around me or will the atmosphere change once he knows? Wait... what even is he into? Didn't he say that one time at lunch...? Oh my God. How could I have forgotten that??? I guess I've just been preoccupied with keeping it from him that I didn't consider all the reasons to tell him.

This could change everything. God, why have I been so stupid? This could've prevented the last two agonizing days. Does this mean...I can tell him? Should I? Would I ruin our date? Well, it's one way to make our first date memorable.

Genevieve looked down at her still half full third glass of wine and thought, Screw it. If this is ever going to work out, it's going to be between Frank and his boyfriend or it isn't going to work out at all.

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