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When Frank realized that he'd forgotten about his mother's words before they left, he began panicking.

Where am I supposed to sleep? I can't tell Gen, I'd have to explain and then she'd worry too much. God, does it really have to be raining right now? I can't stay outside all night, I'll get hypothermia or something. Why did she have to say that?!? I hate that woman, God I fucking hate her. Wait a second...

Frank leaned over the railing to look down at the parking lot. He could barely make out the cars through the rain, but from the looks of it, his mom was still there.

She's probably asleep. I'll just sneak in and sleep in my room for tonight, then leave in the morning before she wakes up. She'll never know I came back. I'll have to figure something else out tomorrow, but this should work for tonight... I hope.

He went upstairs and used the key that his mother hadn't thought to take away from him to unlock the door. Stealthily, he navigated through the dark to his bedroom, stepping over loose articles of clothing or fallen objects as he went. Beads of sweat mixed with the rainwater on his forehead as he passed his mother's closed bedroom door. No light. That's good.

It took him at least two minutes to simply open his door without having the inevitable creaking wake her up. Once inside, a weight was lifted off his shoulders and he fell onto his bed, soaked clothes and all. He was too tired and fed up to care. Without having to try, Frank fell into a deep sleep, his head lying heavy on his pillow.

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