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jay (v pointless filler no plot really and I kinda was late but whatever)

The boys arrived at school only a total of 4 hours late, missing just over half of the day. Donna had to explain to Carol, the nice office lady for the high school that Frank's mother was "on vacation" and so she was responsible for Frank for a little while.

Of course this was a lie but it doesn't really hurt anyone, just saves Frank and everyone involved a painful session of oversharing and reliving Frank's past.

Donna got it all sorted out, saying that her alarm hadn't gone off to wake them up, and Frank and Gerard both got excused tardies.

The two departed, Frank giving Gerard a quick peck on the cheek before heading to their respected fourth hours, not bothering to go to the remainder of lunch as they weren't really hungry.

The day went by rather quickly. Nothing really happened. At the end of the day the two met in fifth hour American History but couldn't speak much as it was quite "shut the fuck up and work" time. The supply teacher had oh-so-kindly mentioned that along with how "talking is overrated" and how "teenagers need to shut up because adulthood is for talking". He ended up sitting in the front of the class and doing crossword puzzles for the entirety of the period. Not even stating his name, it might've been something along the lines of Mr. Bryar but no one really knew.

The class stole glances and a few whispers but couldn't chat how they usually would when Mr. Ross was teaching. The only way the class had managed to talk was by slyly passing notes like the cliché teenagers in movies do.

Gerard had gotten a note passed to him by a girl he had only talked to a few times, her name was Jamia, or something like that. Her handwriting was neat and curly at the y's and r's.

Her note read, "Hey Gerard, you don't really know me but I'm Jamia and I thought you should know that your buddy Brendon got caught fuckin' Mr. Ross. That's why he's not here today. I'm not really up with the gossip but some girl called Ashley told me and said I should tell his friends." In parentheses she wrote, "I'm totally cool with you being trans* btw I'm actually bi myself xo"

Gerard was confused at to how she knew about his name and his gender but then again he kinda came out to an entire lunchroom. She seemed chill and Gerard was disappointed with himself that he never befriended her sooner. He was also slightly confused as to why she thought Brendon and him were friends, his only friend in the past three and a half years had been Lindsey. He was only vaguely aware of Brendon's existence and had never really paid attention to him in the first place.

He smiled to Jamia and then wrote "Frank omg look what Jamia just passed me also you look cute today xo" at the bottom in his own handwriting. In parentheses adding, "oh yeah Brendon is the guy with the huge forehead btw" Passing the note to Frank, he blushed and continued working on nothing in particular.

Frank read the note and then giggled, it wasn't very surprising that Forehead kid was caught with Mr. Ross, their American History teacher. They were always flirting and Mr. Ross was not unattractive to say the least. He thought it was amazing at how open and supportive Jamia had been and had set a mental reminder to talk to her sometime. He blushed at Gerard's part of the note and spent a little too long re-reading his words as they made bubbles form in Frank's heart.

The period ended and the entire class sighed with relief as they no longer had to be in the presence of the grumpy supply teacher.

Frank and Gerard grabbed their bags and headed out to the Middle school campus to meet Donna.

"I cannot believe Brendon and Ryan fucked," Gerard burst out as soon as they were free of the classroom.

"I can, they obviously have a thing for each other. And Ryan? You mean Mr. Ross?"

Gerard internally face palmed at how cringey he just sounded, " yeah I meant Mr. Ross. That's what happens when you don't have friends for a long time I guess, ha ha. You just get to know the teachers really well. Also Mr. Ross used to be my tutour for a while when he was still in university to become a teacher."

"Oh okay I get it," Frank laughed, realising he didn't know much about Gerard at all; it's fair really as he doesn't know much about Frank either.

They made it to the Middle school campus and found Donna waiting for them in front.

"Hey boys! Good halfish day of school?" Donna exclaimed at first sight of the couple.

"Yeah Mom." Gerard replied, Frank just nodded and mumbled a 'mmhm'.

The trio made their way into the car and were on their way to their shared home. The home that's small and crowded but perfect as in it resides the two people that mean the most in the world to Gerard and that's all the matters.

(Long a/n) Okay this was not my best work. It's just a filler but I felt like I had to get something out. Also I didn't talk to sam before publishing this but I told them I'd have it done today and it's 10pm where I am and they're probably asleep so I'm publishing this so yolo {don't hate me sam ily} and ty for bearing with me you guys.
See you guys (girls and nonbinary peeps included) in the next one
(if 'guys' makes you uncomfortable I'm sorry because my mom told me to say that less because it's masculine just let me know and I'll stop)

(((((No one noticed that Mr. Ross was in fact not their physical science teacher and was their American history teacher wow i apologise sorrrrrey I fixed it I think maybe idek))))))((

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