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Dear Future Self,

Frank and I are dating. Wait, before you freak out, let me explain.

So, we've known each other for approximately a week now. On paper, that seems like not very long, but trust me, it feels like ages. He and I have gotten to know one another for the duration of this past week, and I got to know myself, but that's a story for later. I took him to the rock today, first at lunch and then at night when the stars were out. Remember when Lindsey and I used to go there when Mom was working? Man, I miss her... I'm getting off track. So, even though Frank and I probably spoke ten whole words while we were there, I feel like I got to know him on a deeper level. Sometimes the important stuff isn't on the outside.

Anyway, we were just lying on the rock when out of no where it starts raining! Before you ask, yes, technically it was my fault that we got stuck in a storm in the middle of the forest, but hey, everything happens for a reason.

It was like Frank and I were the main characters of a fairytale book and the pages accidentally leaked off paper and ended up creating this surreal moment in real life. He kissed me. Well, and then I kissed him. I can't really put it into words. I'm still kinda freaking out about it. Afterwards, we decided to date since that's what people do when they like each other. I can't believe I can say I have a boyfriend. This is insane. I have a boyfriend! And his name is Frank! And I love him!

Genevieve gasped and quickly erased the last sentence she'd just written.

Okay, now let's get into the sticky stuff. I am transgender. I found this out Thursday. Currently, I am wearing bandages as my binder because I don't have enough money to buy one, but I'm working on it. I have told my mom. She took it extraordinarily well. The thing is, I haven't told Frank. But I have my reasons, you know that. They're all written down in here somewhere. I'll have to think about it some more before I make such a risky decision. I mean, I don't want to scare him off. Hey, yeah, we just admitted we like each other and are now dating and things are great and oh by the way I'm a boy! Yeah, no.

Right before we left to go on our adventure , I overheard Frank's mom yelling at him. I haven't actually met her yet, and for some reason, I don't think Frank wants me to. I hope everything's okay.

See you soon.


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