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Frank and Genevieve laid there on the rock listening to each other's breathing and the running stream and the concert of the forest for hours, talking occasionally, but not wanting to disrupt nature's routine.

When two fifteen came around, Gen suggested that they start heading back so they'd be there before the last bell rings at three o'clock. Gen climbed down first, looking up at Frank and yelling, "Hurry up, scaredy-cat! I'll catch you if you fall!"

Gen led the way back, weirdly relieved that they'd opted out of the last half of school. But as she proceeded, she began to consider the consequences.

What would Mom do? Would she be mad? It's one time, though. Ah, shit. They probably called her asking where I was. She's probably worried sick right now. God, I'm so selfish. Why can't I just be a good kid and do what I'm supposed to do? Will the absences count against me? Will I not be on the honor roll?!?

"Um, Gen?"

She had begun hyperventilating again with her fists clenched and her stride quick. "What?"

"You okay?" They had stopped and Frank stood in front of her.

Genevieve huffed out a breath of air and said, "Yeah. I'm just thinking about what my mom's going to do to me."

Frank was silent for a second, then it became apparent that he was holding in a laugh.


"Nothing, it's just – people really do never change," he said with a smile.

Gen giggled and punched his arm. "I'm serious! I've never skipped school before; what do you think she's gonna do?"

With a sigh, Frank told her, "I don't know, but it can't be that bad. I've met your mom, she seems cool."

"Wait, what about your mom? Will she get mad?"

Suddenly, his smile flushed into tight lips and he simply said, "No. It'll be fine."

They had resumed their pace and were nearing the building. Gen checked her phone to see that it was 2:34. "Oh, okay," she said quietly. "Come on, we gotta hurry."

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