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Remembering to grab his key this time, Frank closed the door behind him and, already having set up on the balcony, went to get Genevieve.

They had closed the door so he had to knock awkwardly to be let in. Donna answered and called Gen to the door with a curious smirk.

"Hey," Frank said, struggled to contain his eager excitement. "I have a surprise for you."

"What?" Gen was taken back. A minute ago he was simply trying to get back in his apartment and now he has a surprise? What does he have up his sleeve?

"Come on, I gotta show you," he instructed.

Donna, her motherly instincts kicking in, stopped and said, "Frank, what's this surprise? Where're you taking her?"

Frank laughed and waved her closer, whispering something into her ear. She looked up at him, then to her daughter and back, a childish smile brightening her features. "Yeah, go on," she approved, waving Gen towards Frank.

"Um... okay?" She walked out and when the door was shut, Gen asked frantically, "Frank, what the hell's going on here? What'd you tell her?"

Frank said softly, "Shhh, don't worry. She doesn't know that we're together. I told her that it was a prank. So when we get back, that's the story, got it?"

Now completely lost, Gen groaned, "What? Just – just tell me what – "

He had led her up the stairs to the balcony, where Genevieve halted and dropped her jaw in bewilderment.

A large picnic blanket was laid out, a basket of food, multiple tiny lit candles, and bottle of wine beside two wine glasses sitting atop it, making the set up look like a scene from a fairy tale. The sun was at its highest peek due to it being noon, so the lighting hit the roof just right, casting a smooth layer of shade along their locale.

With a quick intake of breath, Frank finally spoke, "Welcome to our first date."

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