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sam. yeah, you read that right. i'm finally over my freaking writer's block ! i still have eoy tests and all, so i'm def gonna still need jay. besides isn't their writing great omg they're amazing wow ily

anyways yeah i just started writing out of nowhere and couldn't stop and it feels so good. i hope you enjoy this extra long chapter (which is kind of ironic but you'll understand that in a sec)

The next morning, Gerard thanked the pilgrims of 1621 for holding their harvest festival, for it resulted in the students of Roman Public Schools getting half the week off to celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday. Though he didn't have to rush himself to get ready on time, he still woke at around eight, Frank and Donna shortly after. His mom cooked them a breakfast of french toast and turkey bacon, a refreshing change from a stale Pop Tart or granola bar.

As they sat around the small circular dining room table that was rarely used, Gerard felt as if he finally had a family he could call his own. Frank sat to his right and his mother to his left, the rawness of their morning voices still wearing off and their bed heads unbrushed. No one was hiding themselves from each other, no one putting on a show.

He loved these people and they loved him back.

Halfway through the meal, Donna began, "So...Gerard. I've been thinking..."

"Yeah?" he encouraged, putting his fork down.

"Okay, only if you want to, I just thought, ya know. I could take you to the barber's and maybe you can get your hair cut today." Her smile was as big as the moon.

Gee's eyes lit up, and he turned to Frank first. "I have been wanting to do that. Would – would that be okay?"

Frank laughed and said, "Gee, you don't need my permission to get your hair cut. But, I do think that'd be nice. Yeah."

He turned back to his mother and answered, "Then that's that. We're going to get my hair cut today."


They finished their breakfast, Donna cleaning up before joining the boys in the act of getting ready. Once again, Frank wore Gerard's clothes. He knew that somehow he would eventually have to transfer his stuff, especially his clothing, over to their apartment, but he kept putting that day off for as long as he could. Besides, he found himself actually preferring his boyfriend's clothes over his own.

While Donna was getting ready, she called her hairdresser, Max, to make sure it was okay if they walked in when the salon opened. His reply was, "Of course, Donna. I don't have an appointment until eleven, so I should be able to fit you in. Is your daughter coming in too?"

"Um, son, actually."

"Oh, when did you have another one? Has it really been that long? My God..."

"No, no, um," she was trying to figure out the right way to say it. "Genevieve is now Gerard."

"Oh," he paused, understanding, "Wonderful! I can't wait to see him!"

"Thanks, Max. See you later." Donna could hardly contain her joy through the phone.


At 9:45 they drove to the salon across town, which opened at ten. Instead of sitting shotgun like he used to, Gerard sat in the back next to Frank, holding his hand with his own shaking one.

"You excited?" Frank asked.

"Yeah. And nervous a little. I mean, this is a lot of hair."

"If you decide against it just tell me, honey. You don't have to get it cut," Donna said.

He sighed and shook his head, "No, no, I'm just warming up to it. I know this is what I want. What I've wanted."


They parked in front of the building, their black Sedan one of the few in the parking lot. The door had been opened just a few minutes ago, and as they walked in, the faint smell of cleaner and hairspray lingered around them.

Max was standing near his cubicle, straightening the things in the drawers until they got there. He turned around when he heard the door open and beamed at the family that he'd gotten to know so well over the years.

"Donna, my love!" he exclaimed, walking over to them and giving her a hug. Max turned to Gerard and smiled widely. "Hello, Gerald."

Donna cleared her throat and said, "Gerard."

His cheeks turned bright red and he corrected, "I'm so sorry. Gerard. So nice to see you again."

Gee hugged him tight, grateful and happy. "Hey, Max."

When he saw Frank, he asked, "And you are?"

"Frank/Gee's boyfriend. Nice to meet you, Max," he smiled before letting the hairdresser hug him too.

"So," Max started, leading them to the chair in his station. "Who's first?"

"Just me," Gerard spoke up, stepping forward.

"Ah, so what will it be?"

"Uh...I don't know, really. Just short. Super short." He looked around for a magazine and picked one up from the waiting area's coffee table. Gerard flipped through the pages of models displaying a variety of styles before he found one that looked similar to the one he had envisioned. He showed it to Max and he smiled, nodding. "That's nice. It will frame your face nicely."

Gerard sat down in the chair and let him drape a salon gown around him, buttoning it behind his neck. Max took a hair tie from a drawer and pulled Gee's hair back with it. Then he took his scissors and cut just above the tie. The length of hair fell to the ground, and though it was silent, Gerard knew it was there.

Donna and Frank watched as Max shaped Gerard's hair into that of the picture's. By the time he was finished, there was enough hair on the floor to get it confused with a shaggy dog taking a nap. Gerard had closed his eyes halfway through the process, either out of fear or because he wanted the end result to be a surprise, he was unsure. But when Max turned the chair to face the mirror and said, "Viola!", Gerard knew it was time to open them.

As he was met with his reflection, he thought it was some kind of joke. They must've put a picture over the mirror. That is not me.

But when he lifted his hand to his cheek, the person in the mirror did too.

He already felt the tears coming.

this is what Gee looks like now !!

this is what Gee looks like now !!

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