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hey everyone sam here im back for a while ◕‿◕

Before Gerard could make sense of what was happening, Frank snatched his hand and dragged him through the cafeteria doors, their sneakers squeaking against the linoleum as they skidded past the football team's table on the way out. When one of them spat, "Faggots," at them, Frank shot around and shouted protectively through gritted teeth, "Oh, go fuck yourself, would ya?"

When Frank and Gerard ran through the last set of double doors on the other side of the school, they stopped to take a breather, hunched over and lungs burning. Frank stood up and looked at his boyfriend, who was running his hands through his long hair over and over again. When they made eye contact, Gerard began to giggle, which then progressed into uncontrollable laughter.

"I can't believe I just did that," he exclaimed incredulously, his eyes wide in utter horror.

Frank shook his head and said, "I don't know, but that took some major balls, Gee." They laughed again and Frank pushed a loose hair out of Gerard's face, suddenly forcing the moment to calm. "Seriously, though. I'm proud of you. I didn't know if you were gonna tell anyone or not. I think you made the right choice."

Gerard smiled, his gratitude radiating like the unusually warm sun that shined down on the frosted grass below them. "To be totally honest, Frank, I was fuckin' terrified. But, I mean, I knew I had to do it and the best time is the present."

Frank stared at him straight on and smirked. "I agree," he said quickly before pulling him closer and kissing him, his hand traveling from Gerard's neck around to the back of his head and then down his back.

"Frank," Gerard mumbled against his lips, "We're gonna -  caught - in trouble."

Sighing theatrically, Frank pulled away and drawled, "Then we'll have to take this elsewhere, won't we?"

"Like where?" Gerard asked, putting on an innocent front.

Frank rolled his eyes and said, "Come on."

Kissed All the Boys | Frerard + COMPLETE ! |Where stories live. Discover now