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Finally, Frank dropped the subject and decided that Gen knew what was best for her and if she didn't think it was that important, then it wasn't.

Twenty minutes into their lunch, Genevieve and Frank were laughing and carrying on. Behind Gen's eyes was a massive tsunami, anger and helplessness swirled into the water, turning it black. This was going to drive her insane.

The cashiers kept eyeing them as they guffawed disruptively, but never asked them to stop or leave. They wished they could be teenagers again and laugh like there was nothing else to do. Little did they know that the kids weren't laughing because they didn't have a care, but because they cared too much.

Once his stomach was tight and he was out of breath, Frank noticed that the box was empty and asked, "So, what're we gonna do all day, Miss I'm-Too-Cool-For-School?"

Gen recomposed herself and stated, "I haven't thought that far ahead yet."

"Well, we gotta do something." Frank waited for Gen to say something, but she was deeply thinking, so he said with a sly smile, "If not, I guess we'll have to head back to class. There's really no point in – "

"I got it!" She crumpled their trash into the box and threw it in the trash can, swung her bag over her shoulder, and snatched Frank's hand, pulling him up and toward the exit with her.

"Wh - where are we going?" he asked, his expression between confusion and mild humor.

"It's a surpriiiise," she said with an open-mouthed smile that was so alive he had to stay with her no matter what.

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