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jay (how are you guys liking my parts so far?? I'm v curious)

Gerard, Frank, and Donna made it safely back to the apartment. All three of them eating dinner before nodding off to bed. Donna retreating to her room, Frank to the couch, and Gerard to his room. It wasn't that late but everyone was considerably tired.

Gerard changed out of his day clothes, making sure to leave his binder out of the dirty pile on the floor, and into his pyjamas. He put on his mom's old, tattered Black Flag shirt and a pair of Transformers pyjama bottoms.

After he was all comfy he left his room to get a glass of water which was really just an excuse to see Frank one last time.

By the time he got to the couch, Frank was sound asleep in a foetal position. Gerard placed another throw blanket on top of him and placed a kiss on his forehead.

He's beautiful asleep.

Gerard got his glass of slightly warm tap water, which is disgusting by the way, and sauntered back to his.

When finally back in his own bed, snuggled under the warm duvet he remembered something.

His journal! He hadn't written in a while, not since he had figured out the whole transgender thing really. He decided it would be an excellent time to write and reluctantly got out of bed and made his way to his desk.

Pulling out his journal and a pen he began writing:

Dear Future Self,

Looks like you'll be going by a new name, well we both will. Frank and I decided on Gerard Arthur Way and I really love it. Honestly what's wrong with me though, he's changing me a lot. Maybe it's for he better, I hope so.
Things that happened today:

Frank talked to Mom
she knows about us and is rly chill with it wowza
went to school like 4 hours late
Ryan wasn't in today, we had some dickhead named Mr. Bryar instead
Jamia talked to me (wrote a note) she's rly cool btw hopefully you're friends with her by then
Brendon and Ryan fucked and got caught apparently (who's Ashley)
Frank is a smol bean that is too pure for this world and should be protected at all costs

It's surprising how happy I've been these past few days. There's only one reason why this is. Mother fucking Frank Iero. Aka the love of my life aka the reason why I'm constantly in agony. I'm shocked with myself that I've opened up to him. We haven't known each other long but I feel I can tell him anything in the world. That ball of yarn in my chest is still slowly unraveling, but now the bits that are unraveled seem to be disintegrating, falling off, not able to be wound up again when the time comes. He's opening up the steel iron gates that lead to my soul and yeah this is super fucking cheesey but who cares, I love him. I love Frank Iero and that terrifies me. The thought of being around him terrifies me. The thought of not being around him terrifies me more.

See you soon,

G (erard)

With that he climbed back in bed, letting the weight of his eyelids take over him into a deep slumber. Filled with unicorns, chemistry tests, and the all too familiar, Frank Iero.

Hehe okay this was v short ily ty for the support and hopefully this is updating regularly enough i'd love feedback and shit
Soz this one is so short I didn't know how to make it longer

See you in the next one

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