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"Hey, mom," Gerard impulsively shouted as he ran up to her.

She turned around and said, "Yeah, sweetie?"

"Can I talk to you for a second?" His eyes darted to Frank and then back, signaling that it was about him and that it needed to be in private.

"Uh, sure," she agreed with a raised brow and continued with him to their apartment.

"Could you wait outside for a second, Frank?" Gerard asked, winking and closing the door before he could ask questions.

They migrated to the kitchen and Donna asked, "What's up?"

Trying to come up with a subtle way to put it, Gerard said, "Could Frank stay over for a while?"

"Sure, honey. Do you guys have a project or something to work on?"

"No, not like, after school. I mean, for a few days or something."

At first she was taken back, then a smile crept onto her face and she asked, "Gerard, do you have something to tell me?"

"Wh - what do you mean? I - "

"You and Frank?" Her eyebrows were dancing up and down along with her speculations.

For a split second, Gerard considered telling her. She already suspected it, what was the point? But then she wouldn't let him stay. He needs a place to sleep other than outside in the cold like a freaking homeless guy.

"Mom, no! No, no, double no, stop it!"

She was now laughing, taking his face and kissing him on the cheek. "Gerard, sweetie, calm down."

"Look, the truth is..." He twisted his hands, torn between lies. "Frank's mom, she's...out of town. Yeah. For the week, and Frank doesn't want to stay at home alone. I figured it wouldn't be a big deal if he slept on the couch or something." He knew that Frank would need the couch for more than a week, but Gerard was taking it one step at a time.

Donna contemplated this, trying to decipher the look in her son's eyes, then finally said, "Yeah, that wouldn't be a problem," knowing that her surmise would be proven sooner or later.

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