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Genevieve looked up and was about to say something back, but Frank cut her off and said, "You don't have to."

She smirked, wiping at her eyes, and told him, "But I do."


"So how does this work? I mean, I know how it works, but like – I don't – is there – "

"Frank, stop it," Gen giggled then admitted, "I'm not sure either."

"Well, what about pronouns and names and that kind of stuff?" he asked curiously.

"Um... I dunno. I haven't given that any thought. I guess my pronouns would be he and him. Wow... that's so weird," she thought aloud.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, it feels right to be called a he, but at the same time it's kinda weird? I don't know, this is so new and...maybe I shouldn't..." Gen shook her head fervently and continued, "No, I need to stop second guessing myself. I can't do that anymore."

Frank touched her shoulder and encouraged, "It's okay, Gen."

She took a few deep breaths and nodded, putting her hand on top of him. "Yeah. Okay."

"Wait, you said...Gen, how long have you been keeping this from me?"

Her head shot up and she frowned. "I'm sorry. I didn't know how you would – "

"Gen, you know I wouldn't do that to you. Remember that day at lunch? When you said you wouldn't judge me? Why would I ever judge you?"

"I...I don't know. I just," she sighed and looked down, guilt and regret flooding her cogitation. "I didn't want to take the chance."

Although Frank did feel like she should've told him, he knew why she didn't and respected her. In a way, he was flattered that she cared enough about him and didn't want to lose him. "Well, from now on, promise me that we'll never keep anything from each other?" He held out his hand and stuck his pinky finger out, wiggling it in front of her grinning face. She promised and they locked pinkies. Frank took the opportunity to grab her hand and intertwine their fingers. Genevieve smiled at him and leaned forward, resting her forehead on his. Their breath resembled their hands, getting tangled in each other's. The clouds hovered in front of the sun's wake, casting a momentary shadow over the world.

This is how I want to live every day for the rest of eternity.

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