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The rain started slow, barely at a sprinkle, but within minutes, it was pouring. Frank and Gen held the second blanket over their heads, Genevieve grasping her duffle.

Their eyes were locked on each other's, a hint of fear glazing them. Then, smiles crept on their lips and they began laughing uncontrollably.

"You couldn't've picked a better night, Gen," Frank said between chuckles.

"Oh, shut up, Frank. I didn't know," she justified.

"Come on, we gotta go. The blanket's soaked," Frank told her, having to raise his voice to be heard over the patter of the rain.

"Wait, let's stay. Just for a second. It sounds cool," she protested, and Frank couldn't help but comply when he looked into her intrepid eyes.

They sat there, staring at each other under the blanket, for a while, both thinking, but of completely different things.

God, she's so beautiful, Frank thought.

Her hair was soaked, clinging to her cheeks and neck and clothing. Her glasses were speckled with droplets of rain, yet somehow he could make out every little detail of her chocolate irises. Drops of water ran down her face, some falling off her jawline and others hanging onto her nose or lips.

Why does it have to be like this? Why does there have to be distance between us? I want it to be okay for me kiss you. Is it? Would you be mad? Come on, Frank, you know she will be. She doesn't like you like that, she wouldn't want to kiss you.

It would ruin our friendship completely. What would I do without her? What would I do with her? Would you stop looking at me like that. You're making it so hard for me, Gen. Really, what could happen? What if she likes me back? Then what? Could this be something more? I wonder...

Fuck it, I'm gonna do it.

Breaking their stare, Frank glances down to her lips. With a quick intake of breath, he leans in and kisses her.

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