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Genevieve and Frank finished their walk to McDonald's silently, both regretting the previous events. Gen wished that she would stop second guessing him and just let it all out, but every time she got remotely close to coming clean, Lindsey came along and convinced her that it wasn't worth it. She was in a constant battle with herself and Frank knew it, he just couldn't figure out what about.

They made it to where the woods parted and were welcomed with cars speeding by on the two-lane road. Walking behind Gen, who was leading the way, Frank pursed his lips to keep from exploding. All he wanted to do was help her. Why was she being all defensive? It couldn't possibly be that bad, he thought.

The two golden arches came into view and Gen felt her stomach growl. Chuckling to herself, she crossed the crosswalk without a glance behind her to see if Frank was following. It wasn't until she swung open the door that she turned around to find him directly behind her. She held it open for him, then stood in line.

Awkwardly, Frank asked, "So, what're you ordering?"

"I dunno. Wanna share the twenty piece? It's cheaper," she said, disregarding her earlier outburst. She was already stressed out enough, she didn't want her best friend hating her, too.

"That's cool." Frank reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, handing her a five.

"No, er, I was gonna pay," Gen told him earnestly, refusing to take the money.

"Come on, Gen. It's fine. I'm being a gentleman; take it," he insisted, taking her hand and forcing it into her palm.

She blew an exasperated sigh at him and walked up to the now open register and ordered.

"Name?" the cashier asked after punching in their meal.

"G," she answered without a thought and waved for Frank to follow her to a table.

When he sat down across from her, he raised his brow and asked, "Gee?"

It processed in her brain what she had said and she answered, "Oh, yeah."

"Do you not like being called Gen?"

"No, no, it's fine. That's just what I call myself. G. Like the letter," she explained, thinking back to her journal.

"Oh. That's cool," he stated, crossing and uncrossing his hands.

"I guess..." she said aloud, wondering why she did call herself that instead of Gen or Genevieve like everyone else.

"Gee! Your order's ready!"

"I'll get it," Frank said before Gen could stand up, and walked up to the counter to retrieve their lunch. As he sat back down, he turned on his phone and checked the time. "You think we have time to eat here or should we start heading back and eat it on the way?"

"Why? What time is it?"

"12:17. Lunch ends at 12:30," Frank answered, idling between the state of sitting and standing.

Giving it some thought, Gen finally said, "You know what? Let's stay. Who cares if we're late. Better yet, let's skip the rest of our classes." After reading Frank's confusions expression, she continued, "It's our senior year. I haven't even been as much as late to class before. Isn't it time for us to not give a damn every once and a while?"

"Okay," Frank stated plainly.

"Okay?" she asked, unaccepting of his automatic approval.

He shrugged and leaned back, "Sure, why not?"

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