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"I can't believe we're doing this," Frank muttered excitedly as he followed Genevieve around the corner of the building.

"Sshhh," she snapped, nodding her head towards a bush, then running to it. Frank then copied her and they hid behind it for a minute, staring at each other like children. She then pointed to a thick tree at the edge of a cluster of them and said, "Onetwothreego."

Gen took his hand and ran with him to the tree, leaning their backs against the bark and breathing heavily. She flashed a smile at him and chanced a peek around the trunk back to the school. "The coast is clear," she informed. "It's right across this field."

They began walking towards the highway, weaving around trees and stepping over underbrush. "So I take it you've done this before?" Frank asked.

Gen laughed and said, "Yeah. It used to get kinda lonely eating lunch in the bathroom."

"Huh? You ate in the bathroom?"

She looked down regrettably and said, quieter, "A long time ago. Then I started eating in the cafeteria with Lindsey."

"Who's Lindsey?"

Gen hadn't realized what she'd said and scolded herself. "An old friend."

Frank could tell by the tone in her words that he shouldn't question it anymore.

The mention of Lindsey made Gen's head spin, reminding her of the night before and the binder around her torso.

I could tell him right now. There's no one around. If he lashed out, people wouldn't know.

But I would know.

"Gen?" Frank waved his hand in front of her face. She'd dazed out.

"Huh? Oh, sorry."

"You seem a little out of it today. Is there something going on?"

She hesitated. "...No."

"Genevieve..." Frank said, halting and taking her shoulder to spin her around towards him. That was the first time she'd heard him say her full name and instead of it sounding normal or even special, it made her cringe.

"Tell me what's wrong. It's okay. I'm your friend."

"Nothing is wrong, Frank," she said sternly, her voice raised. "I promise."

"Why are you acting like this? Did I do something?"

She shoved him away and yelled, "Just shut up!"

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