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"Sooo, why'd you bring me here?" Frank asked, tossing a pebble into the stream and watching it sink to the bottom.

"I dunno. I just thought you'd appreciate it as much as I do." Genevieve was now attempting to climb the rock. He shook his head and crossed to the other side to assist her.

"Well, I do. So thank you."

When she reached the top, she extended her arm out and helped Frank up as well. He muttered thanks, but was too distracted by the view to go any further.

The rock was about fifteen feet off the ground, allowing them to see far out into the hazy abyss. It seemed like they were the only people left on the entire earth, the rulers of the forgotten sanctum. Nothing else mattered. They were together while the universe was being torn apart but Frank didn't notice because he was too busy getting lost in Genevieve's eyes.

There was a small patch of moss with tiny weeds that looked like daisies beneath her feet, and she took a seat, patting the rock beside her for Frank to sit down. "This is really something," Frank said to her, not sure if he was talking about the hideout or the never-ending dream he seemed to be in when he was with her.

"Sshhh," Gen whispered, her voice barely audible. She folded her arms behind her head and laid back, closing her eyes and letting the sounds seep into her skin.

Frank lied down too, but couldn't keep his eyes off of her. The slow rise and fall of her chest calmed his nerves and for a single short second, he considered slipping his hand in between her fingers. He imagined her soft skin and the sweet smell of lilac and vanilla in her hair and the taste of -

"Frank?" Genevieve asked, propping herself up on her elbows and looking at Frank.


"I was just asking how you liked living here."

"Oh." Frank sat up and wiped his hands off on his jeans then crossed his legs. "It's okay, I guess. A lot different than Jersey, but the quiet is nice."

"I think I'd like a little noise every once and a while, though, ya know? Sometimes this place can get too...restricting. Does that make sense?" Gen vented.

"Yeah, I can see that." Frank was picking the weeds and throwing them off the rock, watching them land with a silent crash.

"Well, I'm glad you like it here. That's good. 'Cause it's one thing to be forced somewhere and be miserable and another to be forced somewhere and be less miserable."

Frank chuckled and said, "Yeah."

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