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Donna peeked her head around Gen's open doorframe and said, "I'll be back later, hun. Don't stay up too late."

"Alright. Hey, who's playing tonight?" Gen asked, looking up at her mother from the book that she wasn't actually reading.


"Oohh, get some pictures?"

Donna laughed and allowed, "I'll try. Bye, sweetie."

"Bye, Mom."

As soon as she heard their apartment door close, Genevieve shot up and watched her mom drive away through the window. It was 8:30. She had thirty minutes to pack and get ready before meeting Frank and walking back to the rock.

First, she put two blankets at the bottom of her duffle bag, wrapping binoculars and a flashlight in them. Then, she threw some gummy snacks and Capri-Suns in it. After sitting on her couch and constantly checking the time, she was finally able to put her jacket on and head out. This time, she'd come prepared for the cold, with a t-shirt under her sweater under a hoodie under a jacket with a hood and thick socks under her boots. She hoped Frank did the same.

After using her set of keys to lock the door behind her, Genevieve began walking up the stairs, her duffle hanging on her shoulder. About halfway to Frank's apartment, she began hearing muffled noises. A few steps up, it became clear that there were loud voices coming from behind the door.

A damp light was lit just enough to cast shadows through the window and down the hall. Keeping a safe distance away, Gen listened intently, feeling both guilt and concern.

"You are not walking out that fuckin' door, Frank!"

"Let go of me! Agh, stop!"

"I am your mother. You will listen to me, god dammit."

"Like hell I will. You are over reacting. This is – "

"Frank, if you walk out that door, you are not coming back."

"..." Slam.

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