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jay (first chapter oh no save me)

It was about 9 a.m. when they actually had finished talking about Frank's situation. It really didn't take long for Frank to tell Donna about his mom or for Gerard to tell her about Frank. But then Frank spent like 30 minutes just thanking her profusely. Donna assured both of them that everything was fine multiple times. They were so grateful to have a mother figure like her.

After Donna had mentioned they should probably go to school today, both Gerard and Frank frantically rushed to Gerard's room. Having completely forgotten about school.

"Frank you can borrow more of my clothes if you want," Gerard realized nhe probably shouldn't have said that as Frank didn't really have a choice.

"Um, yeah, Gerard, that'd be awesome." Frank smiled softly, not hurt by Gerard's words, just grateful.

Gee picked out a pair of grey, slightly baggy, jeans and a burgundy jumper. "Hopefully this'll be okay, it's kinda chilly. Because it's fall, you know. Yeah...." he trailed off, his gaze cast down as he handed his boyfriend the oversized clothes.

"Babe, don't worry about it. It's great. Thank you." Gerard blushed at his words.
"Um, I can change in the bathroom if you want to change in here."

"No, no, it's your room. I'll change in the bathroom." Frank promptly left the room, heading into the bathroom that paralleled Gerard's bedroom.

Gerard's eyes saddened, he really just wanted Frank to stay here with him, forever. He didn't care about high school anymore, about getting into university, he didn't have any friends other than Frank, really.  Nothing mattered to him as much as Frank. Last year, hell, a couple weeks ago, he would've never even thought such things. School was everything. Then again, he also thought he was a girl a couple weeks ago. None of that mattered anymore. Frank was everything now. He wanted it to be just him and Frank. And maybe his mom, his mom was a better cook than him anyway.

Frank re-entered the room wearing Gerard's clothes. The sleeves covering his hands and his boxers peaking out as Gerard's jeans fell a little too far down his hips. When his eyes fell on Gerard's he had a puzzled look on his face.

"Gee, you didn't get dressed? Is something wrong?"

Shit. I never got dressed, I was too busy thinking about Frank.

"Oh, um. Nothing's wrong, 'as just thinking."

"Oh okay," Frank nodded, giving a reassuring smile. "Why don't you get dressed? I can leave."

"Frank, don't leave." Frank looked up, confused and slightly dazed.

Frank stuttered, "G-gee, you o-okay?"

"'M fine, Frankie. I just don't ever want you to leave, okay?" He was staring down at his pyjama pants, Wolverine, Cyclops, and Rogue staring back at him.

"Boys! It's been like 20 minutes, you guys okay?" Donna yelled from the other room, the sudden noise startling Gerard, making him slightly uneasy.

"We're okay Donna! Be out in a minute!" Frank shouted back at her.

Gerard whispered a quite thank you, just loud enough for Frank to hear. He really didn't know what was up with him, he wasn't usually like this. But nothing's really been the usual as of late. Not since Frank Iero became a part of his life.

"I'm just going to be on the other side of the door, okay?" he reassured, letting Gerard know he wasn't going to leave him.

"Yeah, okay." With that Frank exited the room once more, pressing his back against the door frame.

Okay, Gerard, what to wear? Something warm, it's autumn, it's chilly. So not the usually boxy-cut short sleeved band shirt. A jumper? Don't really want to match with Frank,  I do actually, but would that be weird?

He decide on a pair of rather tight black skinny jeans and a grey jumper, he had gotten the top from his mom last year and he'd only worn it a couple times. The fabric was soft and warm, the sleeves covered his skinny, pale arms nicely and cut off mid-palm. It covered his binder all the way and was loose enough to not show his slight curves. The jeans accentuated his feminine hips but it didn't bother him as much as he'd thought. He decided on a burgundy beanie, just so he could match with Frank a little. Once he was finished getting dressed, he glanced at himself in the mirror; not looking for long but long enough to see he looked decent today.

He opened the door to his bedroom, Frank falling into his arms. "Fuck! Sorry Gee," he was still in Gerard's arms, shoulder blades pressed against Gerard's boobs. He quickly moved off of him, Gerard still in shock.

"Yeah, no, it's fine," Gerard laughed awkwardly. He already missed the feel of Frank on him, even if it was kind of weird because you know, boobs.

Scratching the back of his neck, Frank apologized again a few more times.
Rather than speaking, Gerard wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck, pulling him in for a sweet kiss.

Frank pulled away. "What was that for?" he giggled.

Gerard's cheeks heated up, "For being you. For being mine. For being here."

And with that the two boys left the humble abode that the Way family and now Frank reside in, Donna pulling out of her parking spot, making their way to school, dreaded school.

Okay that was the first chapter by me I guess and yeah okay this is really bad but that's okay and yeah ily guys and tysm Sam for letting me write with you I'll see you in the next one
(Lol sorry I had to fix some things because OCD haha).
Xo jaybird

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