Chapter 3

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Jordan's 8th birthday party was a day away, and we were just about done with the preparations. My Uncle and Aunt flew down from Fort Hood, Texas to Uijeongbu, South Korea. Bizzy has kept his distance, much to my displeasure. Thankfully my focus would be on Jordan and not worrying if Bizzy was ever gonna make a move.

Tasha's voice jarred me from my thoughts. "What else do we need to do?"

"Huh?" Dang! I shouldn't have spaced out. Ugh! Bizzy, get out of my head! "I'm sorry. What'd you say?"

She sighed and stood in front of me. "I know that look. What's eating away at you, Mo?"

My shoulders dropped, and I slowly lifted my head to meet her gaze. "Bizzy... he's just so.. Ughhhh!!!" I threw my hands up in frustration. "One minute he's promising to protect me, and then in the next breath he's ignoring me. Surely, he knows that I like him, right? I mean, I did make a fool out of myself, thanks to JK, when I first laid eyes on his sexy self..."

Tasha chuckles. "Only Tiger...." I relax the moment her hand is placed upon my shoulder. "From the moment I'd seen you two about to kiss in the hallway," I blush at her confession, "I knew that a love story was brewing.

He's single, but I know he wants to get married and raise a family one day. I strongly believe that you will be the one to win over his heart." I listened intently as she continued on. "He's a man of few words, but he's as loyal as they come. Just be patient with him, and continue to express that you like him."

I sighed. "Girl, I'm just as shy as him. I was only so bold before, because I thought he couldn't understand English." We both laughed. "And boy was I wrong?"

After our conversation died we finished packing the van for the party. Jordan's party would be at 'SkyZone.' It was a huge trampoline emporium, and we knew that he LOVED trampolines.

My aunt, Tasha's mom, entered the room as we crashed onto the floor from exhaustion. "So, Mo, do you have a boyfriend yet?" I groaned in response. I hated this question. Everyone had a knack for making sure to harass me with this question, regardless of if it was a holiday or not.

"No, but Mo and Bizzy are interested in each other." Tasha smirked. I threw a pillow at her head; she just laughed louder. She better be thankful she was my cousin, otherwise this would've gone differently.

"Oh? Is that so?" My aunt held that same smirk plastered on her face. I glared at Tasha. "So why haven't you two made it official?"

I sighed knowing she wouldn't drop the subject until she drained me dry of information. "I definitely want to, but I think he's unsure of himself. I made it pretty clear that had I met him a long time ago we would've been married with kids." I shrugged. "I'm just gonna get some sleep."

As I laid sprawled out on the living room floor Tasha and her mom talked in the kitchen. I heard a snippet of their conversation before sleep consumed on. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" My aunt said.

"Mhm. Operation Cupid is a go." Tasha giggled.



My father-in-law, Bizzy, Jordan and I had just gotten back from boxing, a hobby of Bizzy's, when we walked into my apartment. Mo was K.O on the floor while Tasha and her mother were whispering and giggling to each other in the kitchen.

"Look boys," we all glanced at the giggling women, "they're brewing up a plan. Stay alert." Once they noticed our presence they looked at each other and then back at us with a smirk on their faces. "Told you so." Tasha's dad said.

Making my way over to them, my mother-in-law pulls me into a hug. "If you must know we're trying to hook up Bizzy and Mo. They'd make the cutest couple, just like you and Tasha. Are you in?" She whispers into my ear.

I pull back and chuckle. "I'm in."

I sat back and observed as they watched Bizzy stealing glances at a sleeping Mo. It irritated me that he's been avoiding her for a week, but he hasn't stopped asking me questions about her. Maybe I shouldn't have threatened him.

Jordan wanted to play a game with his grandfather, but Mo was in the way. "I'll take her to her room." I knew Bizzy would object and that's what I was banking on.

"No, it's okay. I'll do it." BINGO! Bizzy stepped forward blocking my access to Mo. I mentally chuckled; he's jealous and possessive already. This is a good sign.

"Are you sure? I have to go back that way anyway..." He was falling right into my plan.

Bizzy shrugged. "I don't mind taking her." Before I could come up with another excuse he was already walking down the hall with Mo in his arms. The women high fived each other. I shook my head in amusement.

"Let them fall in love on their own." Tasha's Dad said. "If you keep intervening this will end badly."

"Oh, hush up! They just need a little nudge. A little assistance on our part won't hurt anybody." My mother-in-law spoke up.

We didn't know that his words were true. We should've heeded his warning, maybe then their hearts wouldn't have broken... If only we listened then Bizzy and Mo wouldn't have parted ways.


Tasha (Yoonmirae) in the picture above. She's so beautiful!

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