Chapter 46

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"Mocha Sarang Ivory." Joon Young beamed.

"Wow!!" I was stunned at the uniqueness of the name. "It's beautiful, babe... Mocha Sarang Ivory Park- perfect!"


Roman has finally released me from bed arrest, but I still have major restrictions. Hey, I'm not complaining, as long as I can get out of this suffocating house I'll be more than fine. Joon Young, JK and Tasha had to work so Veronica is taking me to my doctor's appointment. Thankfully Joon Young helped me get dressed this morning before he left.

The nightmares still frequent my dreams, which has resulted in insomnia. My body is extremely tired, and if I don't get a good night's rest soon I'm going to lose my mind. I hear footsteps in the halls and gunshots sounding off downstairs while I'm lying awake at night. Covering my ears won't help; it just makes everything louder. I struggle to hold on to my sanity while my husband sleeps peacefully.

I won't dare wake him up. He does so much for our growing family that I'd feel guilty if he loses sleep over my problems. "Mo, are you even listening to me?" Veronica snaps her fingers, and I realize that I'm back in the nursery with Vladimir's hands around my throat. My hand shakes as I pull the trigger once, twice, 3 times shooting him in his chest. As his body falls to the ground I continue to shoot him until the barrel is empty.

Veronica shakes me, and I snap out of it. I open my eyes to see that I'm curled up on the side of the couch. Touching my cheek I notice that I'm crying. Veronica bends down and hesitantly embraces me. "Shhh, it's okay. Just breathe for me, ok? Can you do that for me?" It's then that I notice I'm hyperventilating. There's a slight pain in my chest, and I try to calm down for my baby's sake.

The doorbell rings, and I slip into another episode. The gun is in my hand and my heart is pounding wildly. "I'm pregnant..." She says as she falls to the ground dead.

Anna... I'm sorry...

I scream but nothing comes out. I drop to my knees in horror. "Anna.... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to kill your baby..."

"Ey Ey Ey. YA zdes'. YA pryamo zdes'. U menya yest' ty, sestra. (Hey, hey hey. I'm here. I'm right here. I've got you, sister.)" His deep voice brings me back to reality. Anatoly rocks me back and forth in his arms. I bury myself in his chest and cry. "Come now. Let's get you some rest."


Anatoly's POV:

Joon Young called me earlier and asked if I could spend some time with Monique, since he had to work late. This is the first time I get to come with her for my niece's ultrasound. I'm way more excited than I should be, but this is my niece we're talking about! I'm going to spoil her crazy.

Thinking nothing of it I knock on Monique's door. A second later I hear her screaming. I quickly rush in the house to see Monique in a trance like state mumbling something. She's crying, but I can't make out the words. Once Veronica sees me she calms down a bit and calls someone. "Roman, it's urgent! Come quick!"

"Anna.... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to kill your baby..." I stop in my tracks as I finally make out Monique's words. It crushes me to see her like this: traumatized. Determined to wipe away her guilt when it comes to my half-sister I gather her in my arms, rocking her back and forth.

"Ey Ey Ey. YA zdes'. YA pryamo zdes'. U menya yest' ty, sestra. (Hey, hey hey. I'm here. I'm right here. I've got you, sister.)" I whisper to her, and it seems to be working because she finally notices my presence. She buries herself in my chest and cries some more. "Come now. Let's get you some rest."

Picking her up I carry her up the stairs to her bedroom. Veronica follows after me with sorrow etched all across her face. As I lay Monique down upon her bed she refuses to let me go. "Please don't leave me. I can't sleep or he'll come to kill me."

"Who is trying to kill you, sestra (sister)?" I hold in my anger at someone threatening her life again.

"Vladimir..." She whispers. "I see him everywhere. He haunts me in my waking hour. I can't sleep, because he's always there waiting. And Anna... oh god. I just keep killing her and her unborn baby over and over again." At this point she's hysterical and I can't seem to calm her down this time. 

Roman rushes through the door moments later and injects her with a needle. A minute later we all sit in silence as Monique sleeps peacefully. Roman gestures us to follow him out of the room. "What happened?"

As Veronica is explaining I notice a woman and her son standing in the living room. She sees me and I'm taken aback. "Stacy?" I whisper in shock. I thought she died.

Everyone stops their conversation and looks at me confused. They offer me a smile as Roman guides us downstairs. "I guess you still don't know, huh? This is Macy, my wife; she and Stacy are identical twins."

"So Stacy is...?"

"Yes, she is." Macy answers for me. I just nod my head. Somehow it slipped my mind that Stacy had a twin. Macy had been missing for some years, so I just assumed that she was dead. No one told me that she was found; well I guess they wouldn't considering my father thought I was dead myself.

"I'm sorry?" I didn't really care for Stacy, but I know what it's like to lose someone you love. I was close to my brothers and she got them killed.

Macy smiled genuinely at me. "Don't be- she deserved it." She turned to Veronica next. "Will Monique pull through?"

"It's hard to say. Her PTSD has returned, and I fear that if she doesn't learn to conquer it she'll lose the baby. This house isn't healthy for her state of mind." Veronica looked at me and put her head down in defeat. "What to do? What to do? I know they can't afford to move right now, not in Mo's current condition. Any sound could cause her to have an episode."

"And if that happens she could cause the baby's placenta to rupture and completely break off from her uterus wall. That could potentially kill the both of them." Roman finished off.

I stood there shocked, trying to process it all. "So what do we do?"

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